Daniel Ganninger - Icarus Investigations 03 - Snow Cone
terrain, and when we got to the top, it offered an even more spectacular view of the valley to the left and an ever increasing rise in the glacier to the right.
    “Roger, pull out the binoculars.  Let’s see if there is anything or anyone out here but us.”
    I took off my pack and searched through the contents until I located the large binoculars.  They had a hefty magnification, and their size showed it.
    Galveston began to scan the area of the valley floor.  It was hard to discern anything but ice, and after a few minutes he handed them to me.
    “Take a look.  I’m not spotting anything.”
    I took them from him and began to scan the area.  The view bounced even with the computer chip that was supposed to smooth things out.  The slightest movement caused the view to jump widely; the exact reason why telescopes are on stands.  I looked the binoculars over and realized we hadn’t set the image stabilizer to the “on” position.  I didn’t mention it since I didn’t want Sally to think she was with a bunch of amateurs.
    When I began to scan the valley again, I noticed things very differently.  In the distance I could make out a distinct road carved in the ice.  I followed it to where the neighboring mountain cut it off from view.  All of sudden I saw a flash of light—the tell-tale sign of a reflection.
    “Get down!” I yelled to Galveston and Sally.
    The pair looked startled but then crouched quickly
    “What is it?  What do you see?” Galveston asked excitedly.
    “I got a reflection,” I answered as I laid flat on my stomach.
    “It could be from the ice,” Sally interjected.
    “I don’t think so.  It was way too bright,” I responded.
    “Mirror or window?”  Galveston inquired.
    “Mirror, yeah, I think so.”
    “What does that mean?” Sally asked, beginning to grow nervous at our change in demeanor.
    “I think we have eyes on us, probably another pair of binoculars, but it could be a window.  There is either someone scanning this area, or someone is lost.”
    I crawled to the edge of the ice to get another look and pulled up my hood to block out any possibility that I would reflect light back to the unknown position where I saw the flash.
    As I trained my view on the road, I became immediately shocked at the sight.  A group of men, dressed in white pants and coats, were walking along the road.  The item that had sent the flash of light appeared to be the side mirror of a truck, painted completely in white.  They were hard to discern from the white background, but it was apparent that some of the men were carrying something at their side.  I allowed Galveston a look, and he confirmed what I saw.
    “A few of them have weapons.  I can’t tell what kind, but the black stands out and looks like an assault rifle.  I figure the others may be workers,” he said as he peered through the binoculars.
    “Let’s get some pictures,” I told him, and I reached in our bag to retrieve a small digital camera.
    I was amazed we had thought about bringing this piece of equipment.  We had the ability to attach the camera to the binoculars in order to take some digital photographs, using the magnification of the binoculars to get a close-up view of what was taking place in the valley floor below.  The pictures wouldn’t be of a stellar quality, but they would provide a good snapshot of the men and their vehicles.
    Galveston began taking pictures of the men clad in white.  I checked the results, and they appeared grainy but clear enough to reveal what the men and equipment looked like.
    “I don’t think we should stay too long,” I said nervously.
    “Agreed.  Let’s pack up.  Sally, is there another vantage point we can get to so we can see where they’re traveling from?”  Galveston asked her.
    “There looks like a spot up there,” she answered, pointing to the icy mountain to our left.  “It would be a tough hike, but if you guys want to give it a go I’m sure I can find a

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