A Taste of Love

Free A Taste of Love by Susan Willis

Book: A Taste of Love by Susan Willis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Willis
give him a few minutes. She recognised the look on his face – it was how she’d often felt when going through turmoil with Rob.
    ‘The Miso soup looks good to start with,’ she offered, smiling tentatively. ‘It’s a product I’ve often thought we could introduce into the factory – it’s very easy to make and I would think it’ll have great profit margins.’
    He shook his head and grinned at her. ‘Thanks, Helen. I really appreciate it. Yes, let’s start with the soup. I’ve never had Miso – is it spicy?’ he asked. ‘In fact, looking at this menu there’s quite a lot of these dishes I’ve never experienced before.’
    Wanting to lighten the atmosphere she decided to have some fun. ‘OK, then, I’ll order for us both,’ she teased. ‘Just stick around with me, Richard, and I’ll make sure you experience things that’ll make your hair curl!’
    He threw his head back and laughed until his eyes were wet – she loved to see him like this – he looked like a totally different man. And, she realised, after what seemed a lifetime she was beginning to remember how to flirt.
    They ate their way through Miso soup, Daikon salad and a selection of different Nigiri with mackerel, tuna, omelette and salmon. ‘I’m going to make some of these Nigiri rice shapes in the kitchen on Friday morning if you want to come in and watch,’ she said just as the waiter arrived with the rest of the dishes she’d ordered.
    The plates of Beef Tataki, Coconut rice, Japanese charcoal-grilled chicken, steak, black Cod and Japanese mushrooms covered the table. As the waiter placed the last plate down Richard threw up his hands in protest. ‘Enough! I won’t be able to eat all of this,’ he laughed.
    She sat back in the chair smiling. ‘OK. Just have a little of each and I’ll talk us through each dish as we taste it,’ she said as they both tucked into the delicious fresh Sushi.
    They ordered more wine and talked, completely at ease with one another. Finally agreeing that they couldn’t eat another morsel, they sat back on the settee well and truly sated.
    ‘So, now you’ve tasted everything, if we try one of these dishes at work you’ll remember eating it here and what it tastes like,’ she said lightly.
    ‘Oh, I’ll remember tonight.’ He stared at her with soft eyes that seemed to be filled with an inner glow. He made a steeple with his hands and pressed them to his lips. ‘Tonight will be something I’ll never forget, but it won’t be just the food I’ll remember…’
    She felt her face flush and fidgeted. ‘Me, too,’ she murmured.
    As she sat in the back of the taxi she didn’t want the night to end and silently prayed that he felt the same way. When they pulled up outside her house she heard, and could hardly believe it was, her own voice, asking him inside for a coffee. His agreement was evident in the gentle way he looked into her eyes and then helped her climb out of the back of the taxi.
    They sipped their coffee and relaxed back into the soft, leather settee. She found herself telling him the whole story of her long marriage to Rob, how much she missed Rachel, her new image and the pact she’d made with herself. ‘I feel, in a way, as if I’ve just been let out of prison and I want to make up for every year I was confined to this house and couldn’t do the things I wanted to,’ she said. ‘But you probably won’t be able to understand that.’
    He touched her arm lightly with his fingers. ‘That’s just where you’re wrong, Helen. I can totally relate to everything you’ve just said, and some…’
    She could feel the light hairs on her arm tingling with the touch of his skin and with a shaking hand she placed her coffee mug carefully on the table. She was sure he was going to kiss her although she could see a slight wariness in his eyes as if he wasn’t certain whether to make a move or not. The whole of her body ached to be touched by him and she decided to give him some

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