Netherworld: Drop Dead Sexy
helpless. I want to be controlled. And a little bit of pain
does things to me. Not the harsh stuff, but spankings are good. For
some reason, my head turns it into pleasure.”
    He continued to rub the stiff peaks,
his eyes devouring my mounds. “Were you spanked as a
    “Never.” A little of my passion ebbed.
“My parents were too wrapped up in their own selves to worry much.
And I was a very good girl until college, always trying to get
their approval.”
    “You’re carrying some baggage,
Brandilynn. But then, so are we all.”
    He kissed me, starting gentle with soft
lips. But his arms around me were strong and firm, making me feel
safe. Controlled. Owned. And when his kiss turned more passionate,
more demanding, I melted against his suddenly naked body. His cock
pressed thick between us, and I thought of all the ways he could
possess me. My inner thighs turned slick with honey.
    Dan’s hand crept into my hair, grabbing
a handful so he could tilt my head just so, allowing him to plunge
his tongue deeper towards my throat. I moaned into his mouth,
encouraging his dominance over me.
    He broke the kiss and swept me up into
his arms, a real Rhett Butler-and-Scarlett O’Hara moment. I went
giddy with romantic inclinations as Dan crawled onto the bed and
laid me on the downy coverlet. His beefy body half covered mine,
and he gathered my wrists in one hand to stretch my arms over my
head. My sex gushed warmth at the authority with which he held
    He searched my eyes. “You do like
    My voice was breathy. “Oh yes Sir, I
    “And your safeword again is
    “Yes Sir.” Anticipation made me heat up
all over.
    “All right then.”
    His head bent to my breasts, and beard
stubble rasped against my sensitive skin. Beard stubble on a ghost.
I wondered if I’d ever wrap my head around this being dead
    Dan sucked hard on my nipple, and
electricity zinged from the stiff peak straight to my crotch. With
a tiny cry, I arched beneath him. He responded by sucking more of
my breast into his hungry maw, his tongue whipping across the
pebbled nub. Then he did the same to my other breast.
    He kept at me like that until my
nipples were red and throbbing. Then he nipped one with his teeth,
sending a shock of sensation striking my nether regions with the
force of a lightning bolt. I made a strangled cry as heat pulsed
from the aching nub.
    Dan paused and looked at my face. “No
safeword yet?”
    “No Sir.”
    “What’s with the ‘Sir’ stuff,
Brandilynn? I’m not quite getting that.”

    I wished he wouldn’t stop for a lesson,
but if he wanted to be trained right, I guessed I was the gal for
it. “Subs typically refer to their Doms as ‘Sir’ or maybe
    “And you don’t mind me calling you
‘baby’ or ‘baby girl’? That’s the endearment that keeps coming out
of my mouth, though you’re definitely not helpless.”
    “I don’t mind. Would you like me to
call you ‘Sir’ or ‘Master’?”
    He thought. “Being called ‘Master’ in
the South has too many negative connotations. I have dear friends
of many races. Let’s stick with Sir.”
    “As you wish … Sir.”
    Dan grinned. “Now where was I before my
curiosity got the better of me?”
    “My breasts. They miss you already.” I
gave him a saucy grin.
    “Oh yes. And what wonderful, wonderful
breasts they are. So big and round and yet perky. But I think I
might move a little farther south now.” He released my wrists.
“Let’s see you grab your ankles and hold them wide apart for
    A thrill of fear shivered up my spine
as I complied with his order. The position opened me wide and made
me terribly vulnerable.
    “You will hold that position,
Brandilynn. Don’t move.” His eyes were intent on mine.
    “Yes Sir.”
    Dan moved down until his face hovered
over my mound. His gaze still held mine as he leaned down and ever
so slowly ran his tongue from my anus to my clit. I shuddered

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