Harry Putter and the Chamber of Cheesecakes

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Book: Harry Putter and the Chamber of Cheesecakes by Timothy R. O'Donnell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Timothy R. O'Donnell
…dynamic, you know?  He was like the big wheel with the pedals on it.  He made it all work.”
                Ginny and Suzanne started laughing, and couldn’t stop.  Suzanne didn’t even know why she was laughing, other than the fact that Ginny was laughing at Ron, so she should too.  It was a principle between brothers and sisters.
                Ginny imitated her brother, “Look at me, I’m the good looking one!”  Suzanne giggled.  Ron ignored them.
                Hermione bit her tongue, “Well, I think we can still be a great team, I’m still smart and you’re ….ummm….not any different.  We don’t need Harry to have a great year at Hogwashes.  Learning is exciting enough without adding his dramatics, – OOH, look at me, the Fart Lord is after me, he wants to kill me.”
                Hermione was getting annoyed with Ron; he was so immature at times.  Just look at the immature garbage he had bought when the refreshment cart had come by, – chocolate slugs, Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, and Every-Witch-Way beans.  It was the same crap he bought the past five years, six if you counted preschool.  He had already stuffed five of the chocolate slugs in his face.  Two, ok, but five?  Gross.  Sometimes she wished he would grow up.  He didn’t seem the least bit interested in girls.
                Likewise, Ron was annoyed.  Hermione was practically talking badly about Harry.  Some fan she was!  He decided to lead her down a different path.  “Well, what I really think is that his staying home is really just a cry for…”
                Just then they both turned to the door.  From outside their compartment, they heard a tiny, distant, and muffled cry, “Help, Help!”
                Hermione replied, “Nonsense, Harry will be safest at home.  And from what he said, he’s had the best summer of his life.” 
                Ron retorted, “Being home, isn’t like being on ‘base’ in a game of tag.  He might be in just as much danger there, possibly more since we won’t be there to…”
                “Help, Help!” the muffled cry got a little louder, causing Ron to look at the window in the train compartment door.  Hermione, Ginny, and Suzanne all followed his gaze.  The cry for help was getting even louder, and then Faco Maldoy crossed their window view.  He was heading toward the back of the train.  He appeared to be dragging something rather heavy, walking backwards as he dragged it. 
                Faco Maldoy was the son of Luscious Maldoy, the same Luscious Maldoy who was Chairman of the Board of Education at Hogwashes, the same Luscious Maldoy who lost his Free-Elf servant Bobby, thanks to Harry.  What’s more, Luscious Maldoy was one of the Fungus Eaters.  The Fungus Eaters were a group of evil supporters of Lord Moldyfart, and Luscious Maldoy was one of their highest-ranking members.  He was the one who had conceived the plot to lure Harry to the circus where his uncle was, in order to trap him, and turn him over to Lord Moldyfart.  His involvement in setting the trap last spring had compromised him.  Finally, the Harry Putter Fan Club had the evidence they needed that Luscious was indeed a Fungus Eater, as they all had long suspected. 
                More importantly, the Ministry of Magic authorities had the evidence they needed to prosecute Maldoy and the other Fungus Eaters for the murder of Serious Smack the Clown.  Consequently, Luscious Maldoy, as well as a number of other identified Fungus Eaters, were on the run from the Ministry of Magic, and in hiding.  They of course blamed their situation on Harry Putter.
                Faco Maldoy was of course a Popular Rich Kid.  He was tall, handsome, with an athletic body, and blonde down to his brain.  Faco was in the same year of school as Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and in many of their classes. 

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