ROMANCE: Billionaire Romance: Tantalizing Temptation (New Adult, Short Stories, Billionaire Romance, Contemporary BBW Romance)
afternoon that had suddenly transformed into an anxious scenario of sorts.  She stood back just as Adam hitched the wire onto the button and delicately pulled up.  Rose watched with anticipation as the knob released and the door popped open.
    Marcos stood back and smiled as Piper came bounding out of the car.  Rose gathered him up in her arms and smiled with relief.  Marcos continued to check her out, wondering if she was actually from Colombia, or if she were a tourist like he was.  Rose reached into her car and pulled out a plastic jug of water.  She then poured some into a large abalone seashell that she had in the backseat, and watched as Piper speedily lapped it up.
    “How can I thank you?”  Rose looked at Adam and ran her hands through her disheveled brown hair.  “You saved my pup’s life.”  She looked at Piper and back at Adam.  “Now that I’m not panicking, I can talk.  I already told you I’m Rose.  I live over on Zapata Lane.  I’m an artist, and I moved to Colombia from Italy about three years ago.”  She smiled and nodded her head, thankful and slightly relaxed now that her car was unlocked.
    Marcos wanted to ask for her number, but he felt like she had her eyes on Adam.  Sometimes, even though he didn’t talk about it, he resented Adam for being just a little more successful than him, and a little bit more slick with the ladies.  He folded his arms and stood back, assuming that this would be yet another conversation where Adam ended up with the woman.  He kicked a pebble out from under his feet. He knew jealousy wasn’t an attractive quality, so he caught himself and tried to quell his feelings before getting into a bitter mood.
    “It’s nice to meet you, Rose.  My friend Marcos and I are visiting from California.  We both have our own businesses and we’re both here on a little mini vacation.”  He nodded his head and looked at Rose.  She was busy eyeing Marcos. 
    “So, Marcos.  Do you like Italian?  I wanted to ask you and your friend to join me for dinner tonight in thanks for your help here.  I am truly grateful.”  She smiled and Marcos felt a wave of energy course through his body.  She was petite and attractive, with big brown eyes and a thin, narrow nose. 
    “Italian is my favorite.”  Marcos smiled, feeling better now that he was being included in the conversation.  He hoped that Adam had no intentions of trying to interfere with his new interest in Rose.  “Did you have a place in mind?”
    “I was thinking I’d cook for you, actually,” Rose replied, smiling.
    “I’d love to try some of your cooking.”  He was genuine in his statement and Rose could detect his sincerity. 
    “Great.  How does seven work for you?  It’s already five now, and I’m sure you’d both like to wash up before coming over.”  Rose smiled and headed toward her car.  The keys were still in the ignition.  She got inside and dug around for a pen.  Then, she scrawled her address on a piece of paper and handed it to Marcos.  “My friend Camille will be coming over, too.” 
    Adam’s ears perked up.  “Camille?  She doesn’t happen to be a beautiful woman with dark hair and…”  Adam wanted to comment on her giant breasts and thick thighs, but he caught himself before saying anything else.  Rose finished his sentence for him.
    “And big breasts?  Yes.  That’s Camille.”  She laughed to herself and fished around in her car.  She pulled out a photograph and handed it to Adam.  He looked at it and smiled. 
    “Yep.  That’s her.  She invited us to a party at her house tomorrow night.”  Adam smiled and handed the picture back to Rose.
    “Oh, how lovely.  Camille is a good friend of mine.  When I first moved to Colombia a few years ago, I met her at a festival downtown.  She’s the head of one of the largest music companies in Colombia.  She does all the management and sales.”  Rose rocked on her heels and looked much more composed

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