Cafe Romance

Free Cafe Romance by Curtis Bennett

Book: Cafe Romance by Curtis Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Curtis Bennett
and three matching buttons. Though there were times her language could embarrass a salty ole sailor, few women had the poise and grace and good taste this woman possessed when it came to fine fashions.
    “Over here, Juanita!” she called out, as she pushed back a strand of windblown hair.
    Yvette stood up and the two greeted one another with a hug.
    “Gal, that is one tuff looking outfit you’re wearing,” Yvette said with a toothy smile. “You look like a million dollars.”
    “Why thank you, Yvette,” Juanita replied, as the two took a seat at the outdoor diner. “I see you’ve got it going on with your pantsuit too. Bootae sticking all out.” Yvette was wearing a brown shawl-color double breast jacket with matching skirt. “A recent purchase?”
    Yvette laughed. “I bought it well over a month ago but finally decided I’d wear it today.”
    “Well, did you walk by any handsome men along the way over here?”
    “I imagine a few, why?”
    “Did you catch any of them looking?”
    “Looking at what, Juanita?” Yvette asked while blushing.
    “That big bootae of yours?”
    “Juanita, it’s not the looking that concerns me,” Yvette replied.
    “Then what?”
    “It’s the fantasizing that’s going on while they’re looking.”
    “Well gal, at least you have something that’s worth fantasizing about,” Juanita teased. “Anyway, I have to say you are definitely making a fashion statement today, gal.”
    “Believe me, this was the only outfit I had ready to wear and didn’t need to press.”
    “I know how that can be,” Juanita chuckled lightly, as she paused to order a Reuben Rye sandwich. “So what’s going on? It’s been nearly four days since we last spoke.”
    “Well, I went to three banks today to get some more information on small business loans. Of the three, one looks promising. The first two banks want me to come up with 18 grand before they will even discuss a loan with me. The last one wants me to have at least 15 grand on hand to qualify for their business loan.”
    “Fifteen grand?”
    “Don’t worry. I already have nearly thirteen grand saved up.”
    “Well, you’re almost there sweetie. Anyway, if you need a partner, let me know.”
    “Gladly,” Yvette said, accepting the tall chill glass of pink lemonade from the busty waitress.
    “Have you scouted around for locations?”
    “No, not really. But I’m keeping my eyes open.”
    “As they say, location is everything.”
    “Yes. Location, location, location.”
    “That’s right.”
    “You know, I hope they don’t give me the damn run around.”
    “The small business loan bank. I’ve heard enough stories about how difficult it is for women to get approved for these kinds of loans.”
    “Yeah, in many ways it’s still a man’s world out there.”
    “I hope not. Women’s suffrage ended decades ago.”
    “You’re right about that. Speaking of men. Have you met any yet?”
    “No Juanita. And I’m not looking either. So don’t start with me, gal,” Yvette laughed.
    “Well, just take it from me. Keep dressing like Ms. Success Story and see if you don’t have all the men looking at you.”
    “You really think so.”
    “Gal, you know you’re a budding flower just waiting to be plucked.”
    “I am? And what about your love life?”
    Juanita felt a wave of excitement rush through her as she replied, “Gal, remember that tall handsome dark-skinned brother I was tell’n you about last week, the one that looked like Poetry In Motion, Mr. Universe, and Black Ecstasy all rolled into one? The one I was hoping was hung like a damn mule.”
    “Yeah, I remember.”
    “Well, he is! I finally got to ride that mule a couple of nights ago.”
    “Nooo.” Yvette blushed.
    “Yesss!” Juanita laughed.
    “Gal, you’re too much.”
    “Hell, that mule was too much,” she broke in with a chuckle.
    “I hear you, gal.”
    “You know, I’m probably going to be walking bow-legged for at least another day or

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