Alien Warrior's Captive Earthling: SciFi Alien Romance
it was colorful, vibrant, and alive. The reasons he had it.
    He recognized he was pleased by her reactions as he watched her walk over to the windows looking out. She was framed by the vastness of it and it outlined her curvy petite height. His gaze skimmed the luxurious shine of her red-streaked black hair, down to the short skirt which defined her bottom, then showed off her shapely legs.
    His erection had started to make an appearance, as he realized he had her alone in his home, and then he’d felt the pressure of his fangs as they’d tried to punch out. He willed his reaction down, and controlled it. He’d brought her there for safekeeping, because he had little faith he’d make it back. He hadn’t brought her there too specifically be alone with her.
    Thoughts about not making it back tilted his head in concentration. Who would look after Anna then? He frowned. He didn’t care for the thought of her being without his strength to protect her, because it had allowed her to be as free as she wished to be.
    Well he couldn’t have both, part of the reason he would return to find any scraps of the shoes was to save her. He shrugged his shoulders and tried to loosen them. Interactions were complex, he decided. But he looked around his space and thought—
    “This place will be yours,” he said.
    She turned to look at him with her gaze slightly dazed from the vast view outside, as confusion crinkled her small nose. “Mine? But why, I mean—”
    He held up a hand. “I will make the arrangements, if I do not return from any mission I engage in.”
    Her features looked anxious at his words, but she’d walked slowly toward him.
    “I thought you were done with me, disappointed because you had to seduce me to get me to help you.”
    Each word had come sharply, and he could tell she was angry, but her rich blue eyes looked hurt as she stopped in front of him.
    “I saved you from myself,” he stated distinctly.
    She shook her head as if she didn’t believe him. “You run from yourself, not save me from you. ”
    Her eyes sparkled with challenge and his arousal had thumped hard again. He could easily see himself, curving his hand in her hair and winding her closer, until she—
    Her words struck him, and he didn’t like the feeling. “You believe I am afraid of you?”
    She nodded.
    He stepped forward and allowed his fangs to elongate as he towered over her, letting the intensity he held back shine through. The lift of his lips that showed his fangs might have been sinister.
    She quivered, but held her ground, as she watched his fangs.
    “You are trembling at just seeing my fangs,” he said, with a slight lisp through his chunky canines.
    Her blue eyes darkened as she slowly raised her hand to press against his chest. But not to push him away. Her other hand reached and flipped her long hair back, which exposed the creamy paleness of her throat.
    His body had tensed to stone, while his shaft hardened more and he traced the pulse beats of her hot blood as it flowed through her veins.
    Her head tilted to the side. A complete offering, which had nearly buckled his knees. The thought struck him that he hadn’t hypnotized her.
    “Take my blood,” she whispered, and her eyelids fluttered shut. “Be as strong as you can be for your mission.”
    Her fingers curled on his chest, and he finally realized why she had offered such rashness. She would strengthen him, in the same way he would try to save her. Feelings he’d never felt before lashed through him, and he grunted under the pressure. She trusted him that much, not to maul her.
    His intentions were not to take what she’d offered, but to take something else, and he forced his fangs to retreat, just as he pulled her body against him. She came soft and pliant, her neck still arched in offering, and he grasped her chin and turned her mouth to his lips.
    Zyn saw the surprise in Anna’s eyes, right before he’d started kissing her.
    He would appease the need for her

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