A Perfect Home

Free A Perfect Home by Kate Glanville

Book: A Perfect Home by Kate Glanville Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Glanville
year?’ Babette asked Claire.
    â€˜I wore a blue silk shirt,’ said Claire.
    â€˜She looked like Margaret Thatcher in her prime,’ William said laughing. ‘It had a funny bow thing at the neck, very Tory party conference.’
    Claire winced. At the time he’d said she looked like Grace Kelly.
    Babette looked confused. ‘I always get muddled up between Margaret Thatcher and Cilla Black.’
    â€˜What about the cashmere twin set I bought you for your birthday?’ said William. ‘You look nice in that.’
    â€˜Sounds perfect,’ said Babette.
    Thanks William, thought Claire, her back already prickling at the thought of the hot scratchy wool, her frumpiness increasing by the second.
    â€˜I know putting on a jumper seems unbearable in this heat,’ said Stefan as though he’d read her mind. ‘But it’s just for the pictures. We’ll let you strip off completely in between shots if you want to.’ Claire laughed and felt herself blush.
    â€˜I’m sorry about this,’ he said. ‘It will be worth it in the end – I promise.’
    â€˜The children need to put on some jumpers, and some tights for Emily,’ continued Babette. ‘Celia said that the children would be in traditional pyjamas for some of the shots?’
    â€˜It was hard but I’ve managed to find two pairs of stripy winceyette pyjamas for the boys and I’ve made a Victorian-style nightdress for Emily out of an old petticoat. She looks gorgeous.’
    â€˜Fantastic. You’re truly wonderful,’ said Babette, giving Claire an unexpected hug. ‘William, do you have a sweater you can pull on over your shirt? And perhaps a jacket on top?’
    He looked unenthusiastic and Claire tried not to smile.
    â€˜Great,’ Babette said encouragingly. ‘You go and get changed but if you could just light the fire first, that would be fab.’
    â€˜Fire?’ William asked incredulously.
    â€˜We’ll need you sitting in front of a lovely cosy fire, opening your presents and looking happy,’ explained Babette.
    Claire glanced at her husband’s face. He certainly didn’t look happy. He looked fed up.
    â€˜I’d better go and bring some logs in, then,’ he said.
    â€˜I’ll come and give you a hand,’ Stefan offered.
    â€˜Wait while I get the woodshed key.’ William called over his shoulder, disappearing into the hall muttering, ‘I can’t believe all this pretence is really necessary.’
    Stefan turned to Claire and smiled. ‘I know it’s a long hot day for you all, but it’s going to look beautiful. When you see the finished pictures you’ll forget the heat and the hassle. You’ll have photographs you’ll treasure forever.’
    â€˜We could use one for our Christmas card this year,’ said Claire, laughing.
    â€˜Great idea,’ said Stefan. ‘Maybe I could Photoshop Santa hats onto you all?’
    â€˜Somewhere William has a Santa outfit he wore one Christmas when Oliver and Emily were tiny.’ Claire felt uncharacteristically giggly. ‘Shall I get it out?’
    â€˜Pretend to William that he has to wear it now.’
    â€˜I’d love to see his face,’ she said. Stefan laughed.
    â€˜Excuse me, Stefan,’ cut in Babette. ‘Could you stop chatting her up and get on with the shoot?’ She winked at Claire. ‘Watch him. He’s a bit of a charmer.’
    For the second time, Claire felt herself blush. It was ridiculous, she never blushed – it must be the heat.
    The day passed quickly. It was more fun than Claire had imagined it would be. The children opened their empty boxes, squealing with delight when they found a sweet in each, two little bears for Ben and Emily, and a pack of Pokémon cards for Oliver. They smiled happily and obediently crept down the stairs in night clothes, peeping through the banisters as if in awe of the

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