The Jongurian Mission

Free The Jongurian Mission by Greg Strandberg

Book: The Jongurian Mission by Greg Strandberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Greg Strandberg
uncle uncertainly.
    “No, Bryn’s not seen much yet, and I don’t suspect he’ll have much chance to see anymore,” Halam told Rodden. “I’m intent on gathering up the needed materials and heading south on the King’s Road to Baden as soon as possible.”
    “Well, that shouldn’t be too difficult,” Rodden said, “I’ve been working each night since you left to get all the harvest reports since the war together properly, and was just finishing up on the last few years as you two came in. I suspect that the task will be completed by tomorrow morning.”
    “Aye, that is good to hear,” Halam smiled, relief showing on his face.
    “And what are your plans for the evening,” Rodden enquired.
    “It’s been a long two days of riding, and I think that Bryn and I ’ll get to bed early tonight, hopefully set out before the sun is too high tomorrow.”
    “That should n’t be a problem, I’ll continue my work tonight,” Rodden said, putting his hands on their backs and escorting them toward the door, “just check back tomorrow morning and I think you can be on your way.”
    “Aye, thank you Rodden, we’ll see you on the morrow then. Goodnight.”
    “And goodnight to you as well,” he said as Halam and Bryn walked out the office and back through the book-filled room to the outer door. They walked back out into the night and headed toward the main square.
    “We’ll go to my rooms now, Bryn,” Halam said. “They’re not much, but it’ll sure be nice to get off the ground for a change.”
    “Yes sir,” Bryn said as he untied Juniper from the post and climbed on , his eyes already growing heavy as they once again joined the bustling avenues of the city.
    The sun was shining brightly through the narrow windows when Bryn awoke the next morning. Glancing around at the small room which served as Halam’s living quarters in a house off the government district, Bryn realized he was alone. He figured his uncle must have gotten an early start so as to ensure all was ready for their journey later in the day.
    He got up and stretched, looking around the room. It was a single room, with two windows, one opposite the heavy door, another on the wall next to it. A single large bed crowded up against most of one wall, and bookshelves filled to capacity occupied another. A makeshift cot was set up on the floor against the bookshelves, which was where Bryn had fallen asleep.
    They ’d come to the room after having a small meal in one of the local taverns close to Halam’s office. The serving woman had known Halam by name, and they’d joked quite a bit while Bryn looked at all the interesting people who filled the common room. Most had looked to be officials or merchants of some sort or another, judging by their fine clothes and the snatches of conversation he’d been able to overhear. They’d been served roasted mutton with dark bread and had washed it down with a tankard of even darker ale. Halam didn’t talk much except to say that he’d go to a few different offices early in the morning to ensure they were prepared with all they needed for the council in Baden. The council was to meet in a week’s time, so they didn’t have to rush down the King’s Road, which he thought would be good for Bryn, giving him a chance to see his country at a leisurely pace.
    By the time they ’d arrived at Halam’s room Bryn was so exhausted from the long day on horseback and the sights of the city, not to mention the ale, that he was asleep on the cot before Halam had even had a chance to close the door.
    Bryn headed to the small washstand and threw cold water on his face to wipe the sleep from his eyes. He ate the last of his small apples from his travel pack as he browsed the books lining the shelves. More government reports on agriculture, mostly, but a few book on the history of Adjuria as well. Bryn pulled down a book dealing with the aftermath of the East-West War, as the war with Jonguria was called, and the

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