The Jongurian Mission

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Book: The Jongurian Mission by Greg Strandberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Greg Strandberg
was still enough to put doubt into many minds. After ten years of war draining the country of men and resources, everyone was ready for peace and the dubious claim was accepted so that the war might end.
    The Regidians pressed their claims to the throne, but it was agreed by a majority of the provinces that the current royal line would continue to rule. This meant that the king’s ten-year old son would assume the throne, to be overseen by a regent until coming of age. The Regidians would have none of this, and called for a nullification of the rights of succession, the devastating war the main reason for their arguments against the royal line. With the assistance of the conspiring provinces, the Regidians rode into Culdovia with a sizeable army and forcibly took the new king prisoner, putting one of their own on the throne, Grandon Fray. There were few able to contest this. Many of the other provinces, remembering the devastating failure of the ‘Breakout’ agreed with the Regidians’ argument about the unfitness of the royal family. Also, the Adjurian army and navy were still in the process of extricating themselves from Jonguria, and could do little to dispute this latest move. The only token resistance came from Mercentia, which sent all the soldiers it could to Culdovia, but it was no match for the army the Regidians had been building in secret for many years in anticipation of this moment. The new king, Grandon Fray, established their court, and things looked to be well for a time. The majority of the army and navy was disbanded and began to head toward their various provinces.
    Seeing in this latest political development shadows of history, not all provinces were content to let this plot continue. Montino remembered all to well the outcome of the previous Regidian court in power, and decided action was called for. A small army was formed with the support of Mercentia and Shefflin. The province of Duldovia also managed to raise troops and even convinced a sizable portion of the garrison from Fadurk to join them. This joint force moved south toward Baden, the capital city of Culdovia.
    Having disbanded the royal army so as to lessen any chance of a military coup against themselves, the Regidians were caught off-guard. They did all they could to swiftly raise an army from their loyal supporters and had it march toward Baden.
    The conspiring provincial armies of Regidia, Equinia, Allidia, Hotham, and Oschem met the loyal armies of Mercentia, Montino, Shefflin, and Duldovia north of Baden, and battled each other for three days. The conspirators were defeated, and the Regidian royal line came to a swift end when King Grandon Fray was captured. Many called for his death, but several of the nobles on the royal council still had some loyalty to their former leader. So instead of death he was exiled to Desolatia Island and would forevermore be called the ‘False King.’
    Instead of putting the te n-year old king back on the throne, it was agreed that a time of transition was required. The royal court would take over the task of governing, with all of the provinces having an equal say in matters. The five conspiring provinces were not allowed to join at first, but were assured if they swore their loyalty to a united Adjuria, they would soon be welcomed back.
    A time of uneasy peace developed. After a ten-year war with Jonguria, and a brief civil war amongst themselves, the country was ready to put down her arms and get back to the day-to-day process of living peacefully.
    Bryn put down the book as he heard the door open, and saw Halam enter the room.
    “Good, you’re up,” he said as he strode into the room, his arms full of papers, Rodden trailing behind, trying to catch those that flew loose from his uncle’s grasp. “We’ll be setting out soon, now. I’ve secured you a horse of your own from the province’s stock so we won’t have to share Juniper anymore, and I’ve got a clerk set to meet us at the gate with

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