Broken Worlds Super Boxset

Free Broken Worlds Super Boxset by James Hunt

Book: Broken Worlds Super Boxset by James Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Hunt
from the chair, and the rest of the room followed suit. He walked to the window.
    “You’re confident the bill will pass in both the House and Senate?” the president asked.
    “It will,” Jones answered.
    “And Colorado will remain with us.”
    “Yes, Mr. President.”
    “The martial law sanctions in Colorado were just for show, Mr. President,” one of the joint chiefs said. “NORAD will still be within our borders.
    The president turned around and leaned forward on the desk. He pointed his index finger into the pages of the bill resting on top of it.
    “If this fails, we won't just have a water crisis on our hands, we'll have another civil war to worry about. Make sure that doesn't happen,” the president said.
    “I won't let you down, sir.”

    When Jones made it back to his office, his chief of staff followed him to his chambers and closed the door behind them.
    “We may have a problem,” Ken said.
    “What is it now?” Jones asked. “The vote is in less than thirty minutes.”
    Ken only had thin wisps of hair left on his head. Jones didn't know why he kept them. They made him look far beyond his age, which was already old.
    “Smith met with a large number of congressmen earlier this afternoon, trying to sway their decision,” Ken said.
    “With whom?”
    “I heard he was able to get Congressman Hunter from North Carolina on board,” Ken answered.
    The muscle in Jones's jaw flexed. He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, trying to control his breathing.
    “I want a list of every person he met with. I don't care what you have to do to get it,” Jones said, picking up the phone on his desk. “Cindy, bring me the files on Congressman Hunter.”

    Daniel flipped through the pages of the bill with Smith. Both of their staff members were anxiously waiting for them to say anything.
    Smith tossed the pages onto the conference room table, and they slid across the glossy surface. Daniel closed the last page and rested the bill in his lap.
    “Good work,” Smith said.
    The entire staff exhaled simultaneously, and Daniel started clapping, with Smith and everyone else joining in. Jake checked his phone and tapped Smith on the shoulder.
    “It's time,” Jake said.
    Daniel and Smith rose from their seats, and the two of them walked down the hallway together. Smith clutched the bill in his hand and patted Daniel on the shoulder.
    “You ready?” Smith asked.
    The sour pit in Daniel's stomach was turning into a hurricane. He could feel beads of sweat forming in his armpits. His left hand shook, but he rubbed the wedding band on his finger to disguise it.
    “I hope so,” Daniel answered.
    The capitol was buzzing. All four hundred thirty-five representatives were present. There was an uneasy foreboding in the air. Everyone knew the true meaning of Jones's bill, but each seemed to be afraid to acknowledge it.
    Congressmen and congresswomen formed small groups, talking about anything except the vote. Slack-jawed looks, harsh snorts, and nervous laughter filled the hall.
    Daniel and Smith separated once they made it inside, both finding their seats. Once they entered, all eyes were on them. A quiet wave of everyone mouthing their names rippled through the room. The hair on Daniel's neck stood up when he felt the needle-sharp grip of Jones's fingers on his shoulder.
    “Hello, Congressman Hunter,” Jones said.
    Daniel tried to turn and stand, but he felt the force of Jones's hand keeping him down. All he could do was turn around to look up at the well-preserved face scowling at him.
    “Congressman Jones, how are you?” Daniel asked.
    “I'm well. Looking forward to the vote and how it turns out,” Jones replied.
    Daniel searched for the resolve that he had found earlier in the day at Smith's office, but it was harder to find in his present

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