Corps Justice Boxed Set: Books 1-3: Back to War, Council of Patriots, Prime Asset
pass along a supposedly trust-worthy
sailor to his buddy.
    It turned out that the man had severely
beaten two young sailors who’d just reported into his unit.
Apparently alcohol was involved and what started as an innocent
hazing ritual soon turned violent.
    Sitting in front of Col. Stokes, it was
obvious the sailor still held no remorse for the situation. He
actually had the audacity to blame the Navy for accusing him
unjustly. Little did the man know that Col. Stokes held no room in
his world for bullies and liars. The man was swiftly escorted out
by Travis and two other former SEALs, and a report was submitted to
Col. Stokes’ friend which he in turn filed with the Navy.
    It was during this altercation that Cal
finally understood his father’s true sense of right and wrong. He
believed that any abuse or offense against a lesser human being was
morally wrong. At the same time, Cal Sr. did believe that there are
times when a man must take the law into his own hands as long as it
was the right thing to do.
    Cal asked his father about this supposed
duplicity and he’d listened as Cal Sr. calmly explained that
although America was the best country in the world, even America’s
laws were not always fair to all and oftentimes sheltered criminals
for the sake of due process.
    His son knew his father approved certain
covert missions for various government agencies that, if seen by
the liberal media, would be criticized as being barbaric and
unconstitutional. Each of these undertakings was always scrutinized
for its ethical basis by the headquarters team at SSI. A mission
was never green-lighted if the outcome and the methods did not live
up to SSI’s high moral standard.
    Col. Stokes would later
solidify his belief with a motto he would dub Corps Justice .
    BRIAN : So
let me get this right, this company is gonna be yours?
    CAL : Well,
I guess technically it is mine.
    BRIAN : Holy
shit! You’re like a billionaire!
    CAL (sheepishly): Not really. I guess you’d call me a
multi-millionaire. Don’t spread that around.
    BRIAN : Are
you kidding me?! No one would believe that a dumb grunt like you is
a billionaire anyway.
    CAL :
    BRIAN :
Whatever. It’s all the same.
    CAL : Do you
want to hear the rest of the story of not?
    BRIAN (snootily): Alright, go on Mr. Billionaire.
    Cal ignored the comment and continued.
    CAL : So my
Dad taught me that many worlds exist within the law. He learned
early on in the security business that he would have access to
certain intel that could benefit others for good and bad. His deep
sense of moral duty kept him from profiting from the bad side. At
the same time, he knew there was a huge gray area left for him to
    BRIAN : I’m
not following you.
    CAL : OK. I
remember Dad telling me the story of the first instance when he hit
a real gray area. On a certain job a few years back, one of his SSI
passive surveillance teams found out that a neighbor of the target
was running an illegal prostitution and drug ring and that both the
woman and drugs were being supplied from Taiwan.
    BRIAN :
Alright. So he just gave that intel to the cops, right?
    CAL : Nope.
Think about it. Every American citizen has a certain right to
privacy. Technically, the intel was gathered because one of the
team members was curious about the girls coming in and out of the
house. So the team shifted a couple of listening devices over to
the other house along with a camera and just monitored it for a
couple days. Well, they found out pretty quickly what was going on
but the dilemma was the legality of the source of information. Any
two-bit lawyer could’ve had the case thrown out of
    BRIAN :
There’s gotta be something the authorities could’ve
    CAL : Their
hands are tied, man! They would’ve loved nothing more than to bust
that whole thing down. Our company has a lot of contacts in local
law enforcement so one of our guys

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