Save Me From the Dark

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Book: Save Me From the Dark by Réna Edward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Réna Edward
know you aren’t pregnant, so this will pass soon.” I try to joke.
    “Ha ha ha, you’re so,” she groans. “I never get sick.”
    “Well, lucky for you, I’m right here for you. I’m not going anywhere.” I kiss her forehead. “You’re a little warm, baby.” I scoot on the bed and pull her into me. “I don’t like seeing you not feeling well.”
    “Hmm, I feel a lot better now,” she says groggily.
    “Me too. God, how I longed for this moment, to hold you in my arms,” I sigh. “It feels better than I thought it would.”
    Pressing light kisses to the top of her head, I hold her tighter. Now that I had her in my arms, I didn’t want to let her go. I didn’t want this feeling to go away. In my heart of hearts, I believe she’s the one for me. My challenge now is getting Bella to not only realize it, but accept it too.
    A soft knock sounds on the door. After a quiet come in, Gary walks in with some meds in hand.
    “This should help her feel better.”
    “Bella? Baby?” I ask lifting her gently.
    “Hmmm,” she moans.
    “We’ve got some meds for you. Wake up so you can take them.”
    She sits up sleepily, but thankfully manages to take the medicine that Gary brought. Then she lays back down curling into me. I hold her tightly to me.
    Looking up at Gary, “It’s letting her go period,” I whisper.
    “Then don’t,” he smiles softly. “I’ll be back in a few hours to check on her. Hopefully when she wakes up, she’ll feel better.”
    “I hope so too.”
    I lay there stroking her hair and humming ‘ Save Me Moon ’ to her while she sleeps.

    When I wake, I feel so much better, my normal. I stretch out and moan at how good it feels. A bed without plastic on it is a more comfortable sleep than I ever thought. It is weird to sleep and not get woke up by a man who seems hell bent on killing me. Turning, I find the bed empty. Frowning, I climb out of the bed and redress in my clothes.
    Standing with my ear against the door, I hear a conversation going on out in the sitting area. There are more voices than just Ace’s and Gary’s. Quietly, I crack the door. Sighing with relief when I am able to open it without a sound, I turn my ear to listen to the conversation. Nosey, yes, but hearing my name I feel it’s okay to eavesdrop.
    “You want us to babysit?”
    “What the hell have we done to you?”
    “It’s not babysitting. This is my girlfriend you’re watching out for. She’s not safe where she is and I need to know that she is, so I’m entrusting two of my best members of security to help ensure she is safe.”
    “So it’s a glorified babysitting job,” an unknown male voice wails.
    “I hated high school when I went through it. I have no interest in going back, especially not for some hoity toity brat that could probably solve all her problems by keeping her legs closed,” unknown male voice two sneers.
    I hear a scuffle and a glass break. Opening the door a little further, I see Ace with his hands around another guy’s throat while pinning the guy to the wall. My breath catches in my throat.
    “That’s my girlfriend you’re talking about,” Ace growls darkly. “She’s no damn slut you asshole! I suggest you watch yourself, you’re on thin ice.” He releases the guy and backs away.
    “What I don’t get is why we even have to do this?” The first guy asks.
    “Because I said so. When she heads back home, you will be following her. I’m going to put her up in a hotel so she doesn’t have to stay at her house. You will stay in a room across from her door so you can see her door at all times.  You…”
    I am pissed. Here he is dictating my life. Ace hasn’t even asked me if I want him to intervene like this. No, he just expects me to go along with it. Well, fuck that! I slip on my shoes and storm out of the bedroom. Gary and the two guys look at me. Gary looks worried, the other two men have a mixture of surprise, realization of why Ace is having them do

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