Save Me From the Dark

Free Save Me From the Dark by Réna Edward

Book: Save Me From the Dark by Réna Edward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Réna Edward
very long time. My hair is gently pulled away from my face, as I continue to empty my stomach contents in the toilet.
    Ace rubs my back in calming circles as he whispers soothingly to me. By the time I am finished, I sag to the side of the toilet. Ace picks me up and carries me into the bedroom. He sets me gently at the end to the bed, kneels down to remove my shoes.
    “I’m going to undress you to put you in my shirt so you can lay down, okay?”
    I nod my head weakly, teetering to keep balance. He slides my jeans down my legs, and then lifts my shirt over my head. It isn’t until I hear his low moan that I remember I’m not wearing a bra. Quickly, I cross my arms over my chest, blushing even in my sick state.
    “Sorry,” he mumbles then slips his shirt over my head.
    Carrying me to the top of the bed, laying me back down, he pulls the covers over me. Kissing my forehead lightly, he whispers, “I’ll be right back, okay?”
    I think I nod. I’m not sure because I soon fall asleep.

    Walking back out into the kitchen, I see Gary pacing back and forth. He’s probably feeling the same way I am with knowing now exactly what she’s going through. My heart twists knowing someone is touching my Bella like that. Even more knowing it is a man that should be protecting her.
    “She’s asleep,” I force through the lump in my throat.
    “How the fuck can a father do that kind of shit? Why the hell doesn’t the school do anything about any of it?”
    “I don’t know,” and I didn’t.
    “Let me get alone with that man…” Gary swears darkly.
    “That makes two of us,” I growl.
    “The damage that man has done to her…” he whispers.
    “I’m surprised she’s still here. I mean knowing now what she’s going through I’m surprised she showed up at all. I can only imagine what she’s going to go through when she goes back home. I’m still all for holding her against her will.”
    “I may be joining you there,” he sighs as he sits down.
    In all the years that I’ve known Gary, he has never been this worked up before. It is both scary and heartwarming. To know that he cares about Bella’s safety and well-being as much as I do is refreshing. There is no way I am letting her leave. Not knowing what she’s going to go back to.
    “What am I going to do? She’s…I love her. I can’t let her go back to that.”
    “I don’t know son. I just don’t know. You could try to convince her to stay with you. If you’re ready for that,” he smirks at me.
    “What I’m realizing is that if it’s anything to do with Bella, I’m all for it.”
    “I could tell she was different from the moment you really started talking. You were happier. Happier than I’ve ever seen you.  But this is not going to be an easy task. She’s scared. Trust won’t be easy for her and it shouldn’t. The very person that should have walked with her has been pushing her down. Tread lightly, pick your battles, and don’t push her.”
    “I won’t, but what do I do if she doesn’t want to stay?”
    This is the question that scares me. No matter how much I love her, I can’t make her mind up for her. I’d be no better than him if I did. However, that didn’t mean that letting her go was going to be easy. Actually the more I sit here the more I know it was going to be downright impossible.
    “She’s a person, not property, you can’t make her do something she doesn’t want to. But I have to ask, what makes letting her go so hard? The part where she goes back to that violent situation or just letting her go period?” He gives me his knowing smile and I just want to smack him.
    Just as I’m about to answer, Bella starts calling my name. “I’m going to go get some things for her, go tend to your girl. We’ll finish our talk later.”
    Walking back to her, she’s curled in a ball and she’s moaning.
    “What’s wrong, baby?” I ask, kneeling next to the bed.
    “I don’t feel well,” she moans.
    “Well, we

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