Dearly Departed

Free Dearly Departed by Georgina Walker

Book: Dearly Departed by Georgina Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgina Walker
Tags: OCC036000
give me more inviting brochures to exotic destinations, telling me to go and have a cuppa and a browse and see if they could be possible holiday options. There was nothing that took my fancy, nothing that made my heart sing or that even caused a stirring within my spirit that this was the trip that was ‘meant to be’.
    With the latest brochures in my bag, I went down to the local shopping mall for that cuppa, and to take in a movie. As I passed the local bookstore I had an overwhelming feeling that I should go inside because there was a book I needed to see. I love to read, and it’s not uncommon for me to have two or three books on the go at one time. I often jump from one book and subject to the next as my mood and interest change.
    I had a couple of spare minutes before the scheduled movie began, so I followed the internal prompt and went to my favourite section, New Age/Spirituality. Nope, nothing there—read it all or just not interested in what was on offer. Checking my watch, I decided I’d just make the movie if I left now. Turning to walk away, a book literally fell off one of the shelves and rested near my feet.
    It was actually a little bit spooky, and as I’ve pointed out to my students, Spirit can and will manipulate books to draw your attention to something you need to learn or know. So I picked it up and scanned through the chapters. There was nothing that leapt out or drew my attention to why I needed to purchase the book, yet I felt compelled to buy it—I knew I was meant to have it.
    Reluctantly, I purchased the book and, on returning home that afternoon, placed it on the existing pile of books next to my lounge chair. Each time I tried to read through the numerous pages, it was hard going. I wasn’t really enjoying the rhythm or the content, nevertheless I forged on, page after page, when suddenly a name stood out, as though a bright light surrounded it: Roslyn Bruyere.
    It was the first time I had ever come across this person’s name. I was unfamiliar with her and what she was known for. Why was I being drawn to her? I highlighted the name in bright yellow, in case I needed to locate it for some particular reason down the track.
    Two days passed and I just couldn’t get her name out of my head, so I decided to do a web search. I just love the convenience we have at our fingertips these days with computer technology. I discovered that she was an internationally acclaimed healer, scientist and medicine woman. This led me to her web page, and bingo!
    She just happened to be conducting a three-day workshop in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, during the period I had planned for my overseas break. It was enticing—the workshop topic would be the Sixth Chakra, Insight. But it was a long way from Sydney, Australia.
    I’d need to take the fifteen-hour flight to Los Angeles, then another five-hour flight across to Cincinnati.
    I prefer short bursts of travel due to a leg condition, and sitting in confined spaces tends to make me very stiff and I limp off the plane. That’s too far, I thought. Cancel that idea. But it kept niggling at me, it seemed too coincidental—the book falling off the shelf, the name jumping out of the page and the workshop at the same time as my holiday break. It was three prods from Spirit— and three is my magical number. When in doubt, wait for three confirmations, and I’d had three . . . Yet I still wasn’t convinced that was where I should be spending my vacation.
    I had a scheduled appointment to visit Master Zhao several days later. Zhao is the most brilliant Chinese qigong health practitioner I have ever met. Electricity projects from his hands when he heals. He is my battery charger—just like when your car battery is running low and you find an alternative source to give it a boost, I have found with the amount of mental energy I use when conducting readings and Dearly Departed sessions, if I do not recharge my own physical battery, I start to feel very tired and run down.

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