A Special Relationship

Free A Special Relationship by Yvonne Thomas

Book: A Special Relationship by Yvonne Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yvonne Thomas
went from having dinner with one of the most successful females in Jacksonville, not to mention one of the most desirable women period, to sitting in his office playing cross my heart and hope to die games with a former head cashier who was comfortable enough in her own skin to not be intimidated by him.   And he was too intrigued with her to not play along.   “I promise,” he said.
      “Okay.   My name is, never to be repeated again, Sojourner Caroline Banks.   That’s my real, full name.”
      Robert smiled.   “Sojourner?”
      Carrie sat up and hit him playfully on his arm.   “You said you wouldn’t laugh,” she said.
      “I didn’t laugh.”
      “You smiled.”
      “That’s not laughing.”
      Carrie smiled too and leaned back against the sofa.   Only this time Robert found himself moving closer against her.  
      “Yep,” she said, “that’s what my mama named me.   Sojourner Banks.   After Sojourner Truth.   The liberator.   She helped to free the slaves, you know.”      Robert smiled.   “Yes, I know.”
      “So,” she said, “what do you think?”
      Robert swallowed hard.   “I think you should be proud of your name, Sojourner,” he said.
      Carrie hesitated.   That name she hated all her life suddenly sounded sweet when Robert spoke it.   “Maybe one day I will,” she said.
      There was a long pause, as both Robert and Carrie could feel the heat rising between them.   But Carrie just wanted the closeness, she knew she wasn’t about to go any further than this.   She, in fact, was amazed that she’d gone this far.   But there was something so decent about Robert Kincaid, so spiritual about the man, that she felt completely safe with him.
      Robert leaned his head back on the sofa and closed his eyes.   He was tired, it had been a long day, but he was also fighting a powerful urge to pull Carrie into his arms.   He’d never in his life experienced such a strong tug of emotion just by being with someone, especially someone he hardly even knew.   But that was exactly what he was feeling with Carrie.   Even her smell, which was a combination of soap and some cheap perfume, had him wanting her.   Wanting her ? he said to himself.   What in the world was he going to do with her if he got her?   Then he shook his head.   First Tyler breaks up with him, now this.   There must be a full moon tonight, he thought.
      “So you don’t think Sojourner is a silly name?” she asked him.
      “Of course not,” he said, his eyes still closed, his heart thumping just at the sound of her soft, sweet voice.
      “My mama picked out that name for me herself.”
      “Your mother sounds like a very sharp lady.”
      Carrie laughed.   “She used to be.   Before my daddy put a whipping on her.”
      Robert opened his eyes and looked at Carrie, causing her to turn her face up to him.   “He beat her?” he asked her.
      “Not physically, no.    My mama wouldn’t allow no man to be hitting on her, trust me.   I mean an emotional whipping.   He cheated on her and lied to her and broke her heart.   Now she’s real bitter about him and her life in general and why she had to have a stroke when she was in the prime of her life and she just refuses to be comforted.   She has wounds that need to be healed, but they won’t heal because she won’t stop feeling the pain.”
      Robert hesitated.   “It’s not easy to stop feeling pain, Carrie,” he said.
      “I didn’t say it was easy.   But you have to make a start.”
      Robert stared into her eyes.   God, she was beautiful, he thought, and so very perceptive.   But knowing what to do, and doing it, were two different things.   She needed to live a little longer, he decided, then she’ll change her tune too.  
      He leaned his head back and closed his eyes again.   He also found himself, almost as if he couldn’t help himself, putting his arm around her.   She snuggled against him,

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