The Lucifer Deck

Free The Lucifer Deck by Lisa Smedman

Book: The Lucifer Deck by Lisa Smedman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Smedman
Tags: Science-Fiction
of light." He stopped, eyebrows furrowed. "Of course, that just isn’t possible. . . ."
    "But it fits with the kid’s eyewitness account." Carla said. "She said she saw light pouring out of the mage just before he died."
    Pita shuddered at the memory of the brilliant white light and burning flesh.
    Aziz turned to face her. "You were the one who saw this spirit?" he asked. His eyes bored into hers. Pita was unable to look away. She felt unseen fingers sifting through her mind and tried angrily to push them away. Then the mage sighed, as if suddenly very tired. "Yes, I see."
    "What?" Carla asked sharply.
    "The man in the alley that Masaki was going to interview. He claimed to know all about this spell. If he was the one who was going to spill it to the media, he must have been involved in the research—he probably helped design the spell. Be that as it may, it does sound like this was the spirit that killed him."
    "But why would it do that?" Masaki asked.
    Aziz shrugged. "Once a spirit has been conjured, the mage has to be able to control it. If the spirit’s will proves stronger, it can resist being bound. Sometimes the struggle drains the mage to the point of unconsciousness, and the spirit escapes. An uncontrolled spirit is dangerous—and violent. It quite often tries to kill the mage who summoned it.
    "Now here’s the curious thing." Aziz added, scrolling to the end of the text. "According to this note at the bottom, addressed to you, Masaki, your contact was going to post this spell on Magicknet as soon as your story had run. Looks like your mage friend wanted other mages to try casting the spell themselves. But that would be suicide for most magicians. Not only is this spirit of a type I’ve never heard of before, it’s extremely powerful. You can tell by the number of hours specified for the ritual."
    Carla sat, thinking, tapping a manicured finger against her chin. "So maybe Mitsuhama didn’t kill the mage." she mused. "Maybe he was stupid enough to try conjuring a spirit that was too powerful for him. You’re lucky you weren’t there when the spirit broke free, Masaki. It might have killed you, too."
    Masaki paled and licked dry lips.
    "It didn’t kill me." Pita observed.
    Carla shrugged the comment off. "You were just lucky, I guess."
    "I don’t get it." Masaki said, sitting up in his chair. "That chip was supposed to hold the specs of a research project Mitsuhama was working on. Where’s the profit in summoning a spirit composed of light?"
    "Like I said, I don’t know how it’s possible, but it would make a deadly weapon." Aziz observed. "Given the energy that would be bound up in the spirit, its light could blind, burn, or irradiate a person instantly. Imagine an assassin that could travel at 300,000 kilometers per second—at the speed of light. You’d quite literally never see it coming.
    " If such a thing were possible." Aziz repeated, arching an eyebrow.
    "But it’s gone now, right?" Masaki asked.
    "Possibly." Aziz answered. "A spirit that has escaped its summoner usually flees back from whence it came. But sometimes it hangs around in the physical world, for reasons known only to itself. The technical term for an uncontrolled being like this is ‘free spirit.’ Some of these spirits are playful and protective, but others are extremely dangerous. Lethal, even. And the only way to summon one is to learn its true name." Masaki glanced uneasily at the window. Outside, sunlight was shining through a break in the clouds. It slanted into the shop, painting scrollwork shadows on the floor. "Could such a spirit get through your window, Aziz?"
    The mage shrugged. "This shop is protected by every kind of magical ward I know how to create. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all—" His comment was cut short by the buzz of the telecom. An icon on its screen flashed, signaling that the incoming call contained a visual feed. Aziz reached over to answer the call.
    Pita glanced down at the datacord that ran

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