Hot Monogamy

Free Hot Monogamy by Lucy St. Vincent

Book: Hot Monogamy by Lucy St. Vincent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy St. Vincent
Hot Monogamy
    Passionate Marriage Series
    By: Lucy St. Vincent
    Copyright © 2013 by Lucy St.Vincent
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    I’m married and I love sex: with my husband.   Most of the surveys I read say that once couples tie the knot, the romance is over and sex is indulged in, at best, once or twice a month.   I’m not exactly sure what makes us different, but Paul and I have been going at it the better part of thirty years and it just keeps getting better.
    The first time Paul “bedded me” I was just a mere lass of nineteen and aside from the initial furtive groping which was slightly exciting albeit uncomfortable, the rest of it was a nightmare.   When he plunged into me, I nearly died I was so disappointed.  
    Even so, I really thought Paul was a great catch.   He was incredibly handsome, a hard worker and someone who seemed like a real keeper in spite of his inadequacies in the sex department.   I also realized, given what many of my girlfriends told me, that most guys of that age tended to be about the same: loose cannons who had no idea how to please their gals.  
    So I decided at an early age to get proactive about the whole thing.   I sure wasn’t about to marry this man if I wasn’t going to enjoy sex with him.   Back then, that’s kind of what it was all about: you got married so you could have sex whenever and wherever you wanted to instead of in the back seat of your brother’s car or on your parents’ bed when they were at church.   Marriage was supposed take away all those inconveniences rendering it much more comfortable and guilt-free.
    So when Paul asked me to marry him shortly after we both started college, I said, “Listen, we’ve got to get something straight here.   I am not going to marry you until you can figure out how to pleasure me in at least one hundred different ways.”   And I meant it.  
    He had to find one hundred original ways to make me wet with wanting, and I kept a tally in a tattered old notebook.   It took him the better part of the year to figure out those hundred ways, but he was a motivated student, let me tell you.   I also made it clear that I had no intention of staying in the marriage if he wasn’t going to keep me satisfied.   At that time, that was pretty liberal thinking.   I didn’t care, though.   I’ve always known that I was put on this earth to be happy and as far as I can see, sex is one of the biggest contributors to happiness.   So there you go.
    Paul and I are both retired now (we’re not spring chickens anymore, but we’re not old, either: we invested well), and our kids are out of the house.   Paul was an accountant, and accountants don’t have a reputation as being passionate people, but let me tell you, he saved his creativity for the bedroom.   I was a schoolteacher and if those kids knew what went on between closed doors and sometimes open ones, they’d never think of me in the same way again.
    One of the

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