Work Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #2)

Free Work Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #2) by Margretta Milano

Book: Work Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck #2) by Margretta Milano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margretta Milano
    “So you didn't sleep with a bunch of women in Asia because you’ve got some kind of Asian fetish?”
    “No, I did not sleep with a bunch of people in China. I don’t know what got in to Jorge. After this conversation Jorge is going to be let go.”
    “I mean when Jorge told me that, I just…I know he works for you.”
    “He no longer works for me anymore.”
    There was silence while we both processed what had just happened. I didn't even know what to say. I could tell that he was completely taken aback by our exchange because he had his head in his hands and then he rubbed his forehead.
    “Are you that insecure that you would doubt that everything we experienced together over the past week? I realize it's pretty quick, but I want you to know that I like you and my intentions are good.”
    “I like you too, Adrian. I just know with what he said and then you just called me a china doll. I thought maybe there was something big I was missing. You know this is been really wonderful, but I just almost can't believe it's real.”
    Then I couldn’t stop myself. I burst into tears because the stress and the emotions just overwhelmed me. I tried to cover my face with my hands.
    “This was not how I expected this night to go,” he said reaching over to stroke my arm.
    “Look Adrian, I need some time to really think about what I want. I need to go.”
    “Kai, don’t go. Let’s eat something. We’ll both feel better.”
    Adrian reached for my hand and squeezed my fingers, “Please just stay and let's try to get through this meal.”
    I pulled my hand away from his, quickly dabbing my eyes with a napkin. I stood up and pushed my chair back. I put my napkin on my table and moved as fast as I could away from the table. I could hear him pushing back from the table, the click of the silverware on the table as he brushed by the table, trying to catch me. I was outside by the time he got my arm.
    “Please not this way.”
    “I want to go,” I said, removing my arm from his grasp.
    “I don't want it to end like this,” Adrian said.
    “Let's talk next week.”
    “Okay you take care of yourself,” I kind of half jogged off and flagged down the first taxi I saw. I immediately told him my address and I didn’t look behind me. I couldn’t because I knew he was standing there. I crumpled up and cried all the way back.
    I couldn't even really make sense of what it happened. I mean Jorge was his trusted advisor. How was I supposed to know that he was trying to protect his boss? I felt unbelievably exposed during that encounter with Adrian. When I first started flirting with Adrian, I felt so tough but when I left I knew I was insecure. I felt beyond embarrassed. I just was trying to protect my heart. I'm sure he saw that and I could tell he cares deeply about me. But taking the plunge with this person had never been scarier.
    Especially since I just couldn't believe how I felt about this person. Everything was happening so fast – and maybe I had just screwed up the best thing that ever happened to me. Truth be told, it was my most embarrassing moment ever. The worst date in my life and it was with the person I care the most about.
    When I got home, I chucked my stupid shoes into my closet as hard. Then I frantically rubbed off all the makeup. I stripped off my dress and put myself in the shower. Stupid, stupid, stupid . I never wanted to be near that person again. The mortification was too much for me to handle. I dried myself off and I hopped into bed. I didn't even want to think about anything.

Chapter Twenty-One
    The next day I woke up with a raging headache. I knew I needed to get off of Adrian’s design project. In fact, I needed a way out of the job. I needed a fresh start. So I concocted a story that would explain why I needed to take a leave of absence from my job. I couldn't face designing a house for this man when I just broke up with him. I called my boss and it went to voicemail and so on Sunday I left

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