grab my keys and phone from the coffee table. Once we’re in the car, I’ll text
     Skylar to let him know we’re on our way.
    I really will miss this girl. I suppose, in order for me to move on, I actually have
     to move the fuck on. Staying in the same spot, stagnant at a job I despise and pining
     over a girl that’s long gone; that’s insane. Melissa and I will figure out where
     we fit in the world, but for now, I have to focus on what’s best for me—put myself
    I open the front door, letting Mira walk out ahead of me. “I had a good time tonight.
     I’m glad we could talk,” she says, stepping outside.
    “Yeah, me, too. It was nice.” Placing my hand on the small of her back to guide her to my car,
     she stops mid step, causing me to catch the back of her heels.
    “Oh fuck,” Mira whispers.
    “Shit. I’m sorry. Are you okay?” I peek around her shoulder only to see her eyes
     trained on a shadow at the end of the driveway. I try to focus in the dark, wanting
     to see whatever’s out there.
    “Oh fuck,” I echo her. She nailed this one right on the head.

    After hanging up with Mira, a mixture of emotions washes over me. On one hand, I’m
     extremely upset that we have one fight over some kind of manifestation in her head
     and she’s running back to Danny for comfort. Then on the other hand, the guilt weighing
     on my heart clearly tells me that had I just been a little more open with her, none
     of this would have happened.
    So what do I do? Sit here and wait for her to waltz in here and talk it out, or go
     and fight for my girl. I’ve never been one to back down from anything, why change
     that now?
    Grabbing my bike keys from the hook at the door, I’m out the door before another thought
     passes. I stood in the background for too long while Danny had the time with Mira
     that I wanted, craved. I’ll be damned if I let him get another second from her, especially
     while we’re not on the best of terms. I’m not sure if his intentions are honorable
     or not, but if I were him, and loved a woman who didn’t return it, I’d use anything
     I could to weasel my way back into her good graces.
    Lucky for me, all the snow’s melted during this mid winter heat wave and I don’t have
     to worry about ice and snow. Mira’s probably gonna be pissed I’m riding, but taking
     the truck would make this drive longer than it needs to be. Disregarding the guiding
     tools designed for safe travels, you know, red lights, stop signs and speed limits,
     the forty minute ride takes me a little over twenty. Pulling into the driveway, Mira’s
     car is still in the driveway and Danny’s is on the curb. So much for leaving soon, Mira.
    Backing out, I decide to park at the apron of the driveway and take a quick breather.
     I’m upset with Mira but it’s Danny who’s under my skin. Exactly who the fuck does he think he is? Mira’s a grown
     ass woman and doesn’t need a security blanket like a toddler. As I finally feel collected
     enough to handle this maturely, the front door opens and Mira comes walking out, followed
     closely by Danny, with his hand on her fucking back.
    As if she could feel my presence, Mira’s face turns ghost white and her jaw drops.
     Danny’s look of gloom isn’t too far off once he realizes what has Mira stopped dead
     in her tracks. His hand quickly retreats and he shoves in into his jeans pocket. Too late for that pal, I fucking saw you pawing my fiancée.
    “Skylar,” Mira whispers when she reaches the bottom of the drive where I’m leaned
     against my bike. “Why the hell do you have your bike out? It’s dangerous and you
     said you’d wait ‘til spring.”
    “In case you haven’t noticed, it’s fifty degrees and well after midnight. There’s no ice out here and I also figured
     I’d come give you a ride home myself.”
    “Hey, Sky.” Danny approaches looking rather guilty. Oh, Danny Boy, why do you have that look of regret in

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