Adam, Devils on Horseback: Generations, Book 1
doing this on short notice, Reverend.” Adam reached into his pocket for two of his precious dollar notes. He pressed them into the preacher’s hand. It was worth the money he’d saved for years. They would have only one wedding. Adam would be marrying her for life. What was two dollars?
    “Thank you for the donation.” Obadiah tucked away the money and held up his Bible. Adam noted it was in as poor condition as the others. The church needed funds badly. Perhaps his two dollars would help replace at least one Bible. “If you’re ready, we can begin.”
    Pa walked up the aisle and poked his head outside. After a murmured conversation, he opened the door and the sunshine streamed in, outlining the woman who walked toward him. Uncle Zeke held her arm and Adam was blinded by the beautiful woman who was about to be his wife.
    She wore a gingham dress with blue squares and a lace collar. Her dark hair was swept up into a fancy knot at the back of her neck. She clutched a bouquet of wildflowers that complemented her dress. He’d never seen a more breathtaking sight.
    As she walked down the aisle, he noted the flower petals trembled a smidgen and she kept her gaze on her feet. Adam straightened his shoulders and made a silent vow she would never be unsure of him as her husband.
    Zeke handed her over to Adam with his typical one brow raised. “You be good to this lady or you’ll answer to me.”
    Although it irked him to have his uncle question Adam’s motives, it made him feel good to know they already accepted Eve. She would be important to him and, eventually, to his family.
    Her hands were cold as ice in his, but he held on, giving her his warmth and his sureness.
    Obadiah began the ceremony, and within ten minutes, he closed the tattered Bible. “You may kiss your bride.”
    Adam blinked. He’d missed the ceremony, but he’d apparently said all the appropriate responses. Eve watched him with a wary expression. He smiled and bent down to kiss her.
    Compared to the passionate, lip-melting session the day before, the wedding kiss was tame. Her lips were as cool as the rest of her.
    There were no cheers and whoops behind them. It was strangely silent. His family pumped hands and congratulated them, but it lacked the excitement of any wedding he’d attended. Eve was silent, except to murmur a thank-you.
    The minister pulled Eve aside and spoke to her as Adam endured his family’s congratulations. Adam was a little dazed by the fact he was now married.
    He had a wife .
    Holy shit.
    Eve stared into the dark eyes of the minister. He was speaking to her softly so she had to strain to hear him.
    “Welcome to Tanger, Mrs. Sheridan.”
    She found a shaky smile. “Thank you, Reverend.”
    “I’ll be ministering to you from now on. Are you a church-going woman, ma’am?” He blocked her view of Adam. His shoulders were wide for a man of the cloth.
    “Not particularly, but I’ll do as my husband asks me to.” She tried to move around him, but he shifted.
    “I’d like your promise you will attend services on Sunday.” He smiled and she wondered why it looked more like a teeth baring. She’d been suspicious of people for far too long if she saw evil in a man of God.
    “I’ll do my best to attend. I haven’t talked to Adam on visiting plans and all.” She tried to sound her most demure. “Thank you for marrying us today. I know it was short notice.”
    “Anything for the Sheridans and Blackwoods.” Obadiah held his Bible close to his chest. It was in sorry shape, from what she could see. Perhaps the good people of Tanger didn’t help their church as much as they should. The reverend was likely trying to get more young people to attend. “You look familiar to me, my dear, do we know each other?”
    Eve managed to keep her discomfort tucked down inside her. “I don’t think so. I’ve only been in town a few days.”
    “Have you ever been in Galveston?” His eyes probed hers with a startling

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