Free CRUISE TO ROMANCE by Toby Poznanski

Book: CRUISE TO ROMANCE by Toby Poznanski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toby Poznanski
her nap to come here at his request, she tried
not to show her irritation.  She looked around the huge galley with its white
enamel counters and stainless steel refrigerators and stoves.  It was sparkling
clean, temperature controlled, and filled with delicious smells of freshly
baked cakes and pastries.  Breads and rolls were baking in large commercial
ovens, workers were cleaning and preparing vegetables for salads and dinner
accompaniments, and pastry chefs were adding finishing touches to tonight’s
desserts.  For Jennifer, it was a magical place, where she could make her
culinary dreams come true.
    “Chef Ruscelli, I really don’t
think a trial run is necessary.  I have prepared this recipe dozens of times. 
It is very easy to do,” she explained.  “Once the banana slices are fried until
they are lightly brown, they are set aside until the onion is sautéed.  The
onion, papaya, and banana are combined in the pan with the curry paste, orange
rind and orange juice.  After half the coconut milk is added, I only have to
watch the mixture simmer for about ten minutes.  Then I pour in the remaining
coconut milk and salt and pepper to taste.  After the curry is done, it only
needs the garnish and to be served.  What could be easier?”  Jennifer waited
for Chef Ruscelli to think of something else to object to.
    Chef Ruscelli gave Jennifer a
condescending look.  “Well, we must first decide on a whole menu.  The Captain
and his guests must have choices, not only for the main course, but all the
courses.  Dessert as well.”
    “I don’t think that’s necessary. 
Nor is it what I understood.  I’m to plan a Caribbean dinner.  No choices. 
It’s too much to expect me to be ready to prepare three or four different items
for every course.”
    “But of course it is, Chef
Jennifer.  My staff will be at your disposal.  You will only need to tell them
what to do and it will be done.”
    “Preparing the meal is something
that I want to do.”
    “Wouldn’t it be so much nicer if
you were seated at the table, watching the delighted faces of those enjoying
your creation, rather than slaving back here in the galley while everyone else
is having a good time?”
    Jennifer laughed.  “Ah, Chef
Ruscelli, you do have a way with words.  But the answer is no.  I want to
prepare this meal, not merely provide the recipes.”
    Chef Ruscelli sighed deeply. 
“You are just as stubborn as I suspected.  We will do as you wish.  Shall we
plan to have you here for Friday night’s dinner?”
    Jennifer thought for a moment. 
It would give her time to explore a few of the islands and discover a few new
recipes.  Still, she would prefer a little more time before making a decision
on the dinner.  “The following Friday would be better for me.  I want to
incorporate some of the recipes that I develop on the trip into the meal.”
    “ Buon .  I will advise the
Captain once we are definite on the date.  He will send invitations to your
friends.”  He folded her recipe and stuffed it in his pocket.  “As soon as you
plan the meal, you must notify me.  I must have time to gather the ingredients
you will be using.”
    “Thank you.  I promise to let you
know.”  Jennifer smiled.
    Chef Commendatore Mario
Ruscelli gave Jennifer a slight bow and watched while she left the galley.  As
he turned and walked away, he could be overheard muttering that he couldn’t
help but imagine the Captain’s face when he bit into the papaya and green
banana curry.
    *     *    
    Sweat trickled down between her
breasts, tickling her skin as the errant bead chartered its own course. 
Jennifer patted her soft cotton top close to absorb the moisture while wishing
for a few rain showers to appear in the cloudless blue sky.  Looking out over
the smooth surface of the water, with no land in sight, Jennifer realized in
awe, how vast the ocean was.  Never before had she truly considered the courage
and ingenuity of

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