Power Systems

Free Power Systems by Noam Chomsky

Book: Power Systems by Noam Chomsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Noam Chomsky
al-Karim, 61
    Race to the Top, 153
    racism, 3, 31, 92
    Ravitch, Diane, 154
    Reagan, Ronald, 62, 71, 82, 95, 99
    recession, 23, 48, 86–89
    Red Scare, 23, 68, 120
    Reich, Robert, 170, 172
    Reilly, John, 122
    Republican Party, 41, 57, 75, 76, 124, 125
    Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), 72
    Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 115
    Right, 23, 32, 150–51
    Riyadh, 52
    Romney, Mitt, 57–58, 75
    Roosevelt, Franklin D., 14, 23, 54
    Roy, Arundhati, 22, 29, 31
    Russia, 17–18, 20, 50, 61, 98, 102, 145
    rustbelt, 11–12
    Saharawi movement, 46
    saltwater fallacy, 3–4
    Saudi Arabia, 21, 49, 52, 61, 99, 111, 144
    science, 142–43, 144
    education, 154–55
    modern, 143
    sectarianism, 73–74
    Seib, Gerald, 54
    self-destruction, 42–43
    Senate, U.S., 63, 85
    sensory deprivation, 134–35
    Shiites, 52–53
    Singh, Manmohan, 19
    Sino-Indian War, 20
    slavery, 3, 34, 36, 51
    end of, 34, 35, 36
    mental, 34–35, 101–25
    Slim, Carlos, 11
    Smith, Adam, 8–9
    social Darwinism, 157
    social media, 105, 107, 145–47
    Social Security, 39, 156–57
    solidarity, 38–41, 146–47, 159
    South Africa, 21, 50–51
    apartheid, 71
    South America, 6, 7, 57, 60, 161
    Southeast Asia, 4, 60
    South Korea, 9, 17
    Spain, 4, 6, 33, 87
    sports, college, 154–55
    Stack, Joseph, 25–26, 29
    Stalin, Joseph, 61
    Stohl, Bev, 105
    Stop Online Piracy Act, 107
    strategic hamlets, 2
    student activism, 73–74
    submission and subservience, chains of, 34–43
    Summit of the Americas (2012), 160–61
    sunbelt, 11, 12
    Sunnis, 52–53
    Supreme Court, U.S., 70, 150
    Buckley v. Valeo , 175
    Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission , 173–74
    Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project , 70–71
    Syria, 63, 95, 106
    Taft-Hartley bill, 40
    Taiwan, 9, 21, 169
    Taliban, 15–16, 98, 100
    taxes, 38, 75–76, 82, 159
    cuts, 41–42
    Tobin, 76
    Tea Party movement, 28
    technology, 9, 145–46
    television, 67, 102
    terrorism, 14, 21, 96, 109, 114, 139
    against Kurds, 89–92
    military detention and, 70–73
    9/11 attacks, 14–16, 139
    theory of mind, 132
    Tobin, James, 76
    Tobin tax, 76
    torture, 37, 89, 92, 109, 145
    totalitarianism, 64, 79, 158
    trade, 9, 87–88
    deficit, 9
    Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline (TAPI), 17–18
    Trilateral Commission report, 150, 151
    Truman, Harry S., 24
    Tunisia, 44–45, 48–49, 53, 67, 112–13
    Turkey, 51, 89–94
    human rights violations, 89–92
    -Israel relations, 92–94
    Kurds, 89–92
    Turkmenistan, 17
    Twitter, 105, 145
    UNASUR, 161
    unemployment, 22–23, 38, 66, 76
    United Arab Emirates, 8, 15, 49
    United Auto Workers, 25
    United Nations, 46, 50–52, 115, 162, 163
    universal genome, 129
    universal grammar, 126–29
    universities, 150–53, 165–68
    corporatization of, 152, 167–68
    sports, 165–66
    uprisings, 44–64
    Arab Spring, 44–55, 60–64, 67, 112–13, 168
    Egypt, 44–49, 60–64
    Libya, 50–54
    Vietnam War, 1–3, 15, 31, 64, 97
    visual system, 141
    voting, 81, 84, 117–18
    Wallerstein, Immanuel, 77
    Wall Street Journal , 54, 169
    Walmart, 9
    war, 13–18, 20
    crimes, 114–17
    Warfalla, 50
    Washington, George, 3
    Weathermen, 74
    Weimar Republic, 25, 27–29
    Weisskopf, Victor, 149, 154
    welfare, 82–83, 84, 87
    Western Sahara, 46
    â€œWhen Elites Fail” (Chomsky), 22
    Wiesel, Elie, 94
    WikiLeaks, 99, 107–13
    Wilson, Woodrow, 13, 23
    Wisconsin, labor demonstrations in, 40–43
    Wolf, Martin, 78
    Wolff, Richard, 88
    women’s rights, 79, 150, 177
    World Bank, 47
    World Trade Organization, 107
    World War II, 5, 7, 56, 57, 115–16
    Yemen, 49, 114
    Yglesias, Matthew, 59, 63
    YouTube, 104
    Zaire, 17
    Zinn, Howard, 1, 22, 78

About the Authors
    N OAM C HOMSKY is the author of numerous best-selling political works, including Hegemony or Survival and Failed States

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