Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

Free Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles by Audra Hart

Book: Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles by Audra Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Hart
here Damian.  You two performed beautifully.  Thank you so very much.” 
    She holds them both for a long time until Aiden snickers and says, “Like you really even heard it! “  Morna bends and kisses her son on the forehead and lovingly gazes into his face, “Mom! Everyone is watching!”  Morna chuckles and turns both young men loose. 
    The band starts playing another slow song when Morna feels a tap on her shoulder, it is Kylor, “Mother, May I have this dance?”  Morna smiles happily and dances with her son. They chat happily about the ceremony and how talented Aiden and Damian are.  Meanwhile, Luca dances with Nora.  Over the next hour and twenty minutes they dance with everyone from the wedding party.  Luca dances with his mother and Gullveig.  Morna dances with her Father, Grandfather, Odin, Thor and George.  
    Morna is heading back to her table to sit down when a short young man with blonde hair and blue eyes and happy smile comes to speak with Morna.  “Do you remember me?” the young man asks.
    Morna looks at him thoughtfully for a second and then says, “Edgar? Edgar Jennings?”  When he nods and tears start falling silently down his face.  Morna leads him to sit beside her.  “Edgar what is wrong?  Are you not happy here?”
    “Morna I have never been happier in all my life.  I am working as a clerk for Shamus the Elder.  I am computerizing Guild records.”  Morna can’t help it, she has to chuckle at that.  “I have my own little home, a job I love and friends, lots of friends.  I really can’t thank you enough.” Edgar says with feeling.
    “I am glad!  I am sorry for what happened to you.  How you were used like that to try to ruin my life.  But you are safe here.  And that witch, she can’t hurt you, or anyone else ever again.” Morna assures him.
    “I know, I heard.  I am glad she is dead.  Morna she was wicked, truly evil.  I saw what she did to you after she spelled me and my rig to crash into your family’s minivan.  She really, really hated you.” Edgar says sadly.
    “Well, it’s all behind us now and I am so relieved that you are doing well.” Morna says with a smile.  “I hope to get to know you better when things calm down.
    Morna and Edgar chat for a couple of more minutes and then the young man says, “I will see you around.” 
    Morna watches Edgar go with a smile on her face but frowns when she sees her mate’s grandfather approaching. She’s wondering what he is up to. 
    Mars claims a dance. The dance is almost over when Mars says, “Morna I have a gift for you.  But I am afraid that you will be angry with me for not bringing it to you sooner.”
    Morna sighs, “We specifically asked that no one bring gifts.  Luca and I have all that we might ever need.  We just wanted to share this night with our family and friends.”
    “I know, but this is different.  I am returning something that was stolen from you before Kylor was born.  It has been in my possession for a few months now.  I really should have returned it sooner, but I was afraid to do so.” Mars admits.
    “You afraid?  Hells bells, Mars!  I seriously doubt that.  What are you up to?”  Morna demands fiercely.  Her distrust for the Roman god of war is evident in her words and demeanor.
    “I have a surprise for you that will be delivered to the Airensaur plain in about five minutes.  Please have your protectors follow you there so that I might present you with my surprise.”  Mars says stiffly, obviously feeling offended.
    Luca who has heard all of this conversation is suddenly by his mate’s side.  “Mars, what the hell are you up to?”
    “Lucian, I came alone for this ceremony.  I am not up to any skullduggery.  Give me a chance.  Bring along whoever you want to protect your mate.  I promise, I wish her no harm.  I simply want to return something to her.”  Mars assures Luca.
    Suddenly Morna’s face lights up.  “I know what the surprise is. 

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