Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

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Book: Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles by Audra Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Hart
Luca, let’s go to the Airensaur plain!  It’s Eurig!”  Morna takes off running and Luca looks at Mars incredulously. 
    “You have Eurig?  Where the hell has he been for all these centuries?”  Luca demands stonily.
    “The Dark One had him, actually he was in Valgullveig‘s keeping.  I stole him from her.  She protected him.” Mars says honestly. 
    Luca and Damian take off running after Morna.  Several Airendell warriors and the Norsemen follow close behind.  When they finally catch up to Morna she is nuzzling the head of the ugliest creature Damian has ever laid eyes on.  It looks like a giant emerald green lizard with a huge snout full of sharp teeth, enormous red eyes, five horns, giant leathery wings, and a long whip like tail.  The tail is wagging madly and the creature is screeching and mewling at the same time.  “What the hell is that?” Damian asks in utter mystification.
    “It’s Morna’s Airensaur, Eurig.  It’s a type of dragon.  He went missing right before Kylor was born.  We never knew what happened to him.”  Luca informs Damian.
    “Well, I will be damned.  I did not know that dragons were real,” Damian says incredulously as he rubs the back of his neck. 
    Thor laughs happily and slaps Damian on the back before he tells him, “Most species of dragons went extinct centuries ago.  Eurig was hatched on this very plain nearly three thousand years ago.  He took to Morna when she was nine years old.  They were practically inseparable during her childhood.  After she became the First Warrior and Protector of Airendell she used to ride him on her patrols.  Airensaurs can travel between dimensions and carry a rider with them.  They are amazing creatures.  I heard that Morna was heartbroken when he came up missing.  Dragons are also very unpredictable creatures and Morna finally accepted that he must have set off for some adventure without her.  I can’t imagine where he has been all this time.”
    By now Mars has joined the group.  “Valgullveig captured him at the Dark One’s bidding and has held him prisoner for all these centuries.  She had no choice but to him captive because she knew that the Airensaur would protect Kylor from her attack on him.  I discovered that she had him recently and I stole him from her in order to return him to Morna.  I don’t know why Morna likes the beastie so much, I couldn’t get the little bastard to talk to me.”  Mars says grumpily.  Mars looks around and says, “Where is that grandson of mine?”
    “He went to get the children, and the Guild Elders,” Valliant says happily.  “Mars, you old bastard, you really did a good thing here.  Eurig has been the symbol of the Airendell Spell Weavers since the Guild was formed in 96 BC.
    Suddenly all look toward the First Spell Weaver and her dragon, Morna is on his back and he is reared up on his hind legs.  Damian sputters and almost chokes when the dragon booms, “Hang on tight, little girl!”  And then he springs up and flaps his mighty wings and rises majestically in the air.  They circle the plain a couple of times, but when Morna sees Luca returning with the children she says; “Eurig, let’s land.  Luca is back with all of my babies.  You must meet them!” 
    Eurig chuckles and says, “As you wish, Madam First Weaver.  You should not ride me without a saddle and wearing a dress anyway.  My scales will shred your skin.”  He lands gently before the gathering crowd and Luca helps Morna off of his back.  Eurig turns his giant head to look at Luca.  “Lucian, you look well.  Being a vampire wears well on you and my little girl!  But she is no longer a little girl.  I would not have known her except that she smells exactly the same.  Well, she smells a bit like a vampire, but she still smells like Morna.  Plus I would know those emerald eyes anywhere.  Now please introduce me to these fine children of yours.”
    “Eurig, you old lizard.  It is great

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