Her Forbidden Rockstar: A Forbidden Rockers Novel

Free Her Forbidden Rockstar: A Forbidden Rockers Novel by Sarah Robinson

Book: Her Forbidden Rockstar: A Forbidden Rockers Novel by Sarah Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Robinson
began to lecture him as she normally did.
    “I wanted some time to relax, Gina. I practiced plenty. I just did Madison Square Garden two days ago, remember? I think I can handle tonight’s small party,” Logan quipped and went back to painting.
    He had a job at a private party for a rich wall street event that was paying him a ridiculous sum of money, especially for a Monday night. Tomorrow, he had to be on a national talk show almost before the sun would be up.  He lived quite a busy life, but he was an adult and could take care of his own schedule. Gina seemed to think he couldn’t even walk without her guidance.
    “Fine, Logan. Just leave everything to chance. Can you at least hurry up and get dressed? We need to get going. We have a packed week. I’ve scheduled a bunch of interviews on talk shows the next three mornings to promote the tour this weekend, ending in a bigger talk show on Friday. Plus, we need to pack everything up to leave.” Gina was looking down at her phone, rambling off a to-do list.
    Logan tuned her out and put down his paint brush, then walked over to the closet to change, while she followed him around, talking incessantly. He changed into some leather pants and a loose fitted top, ran mousse through his hair and tousled it, and finally pulled on some black army boots. He didn’t like dressing that way generally, but Gina was his manager and insisted that this needed to be his image since it was a very rock star style outfit. He was more of a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy, with maybe a buttoned shirt left open at most.
    Logan had a six month long tour about to start this Friday that spanned America and then went international. It had been scheduled for a while, but Sunday morning he had been ready to cancel it. He didn’t want to leave New York City anymore. After how poorly yesterday went with Caroline, everything was different. Logan wanted nothing more than to leave this city and completely forget about the last week. The prospect of going on a six month long trip with Gina by his side every second was a nightmare, but somehow still the easier choice than facing reminders of Caroline everywhere.
    Until he had met Caroline, he hadn’t really invested anything real into his life, he hadn’t invested anything real into himself. He kept his emotions hidden in his music and art instead. Sighing, he finished getting dressed and headed out of the penthouse to go to the event for the night. Gina never went to smaller events, she said they weren’t worth her time. That meant he liked those the best, because he enjoyed being able to hear his own thoughts.
    She would spend the night at home planning more appearances for him as usual. She was a very hands-on manager, even though that is not what she had planned in life. The two had met at an open mike night before he had become famous. She was like an addictive drug to him and just was suddenly his whole life, controlling him with her intoxicating sexuality. They just had an instant sexual attraction and he traveled with her to New York to sign a record deal with her father’s company. She had just finished business school when they first met, but after they came together, she decided that it was her mission in life to make Logan famous. Through a lot of hard work, she got his music out there and he quickly took off to the top of Hollywood’s A-List.
    If he was being honest with himself, he had to admit that it had been an amazing journey becoming Logan Clay, the Rockstar. He liked the fame, he loved his music, and he enjoyed the luxurious lifestyle. The truth was that he owed all of that to Gina. He owed her that and so much more. She had given up everything for him, her entire future. She may be frustrating and controlling, but he had to appreciate everything she had done and still did for him. She had saved him and his family, he owed her more than he could ever repay. No matter why their romance had fizzled, he still knew that she given him

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