
Free Overdrive by Phillip W. Simpson

Book: Overdrive by Phillip W. Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phillip W. Simpson
dressed in a leather one
piece, five hard faced men wearing the unmistakable garb of security and one
large and menacing combat droid lurking in the background.
    “Hello," the
plump man began without preamble. “My name is Walter. I’m one of the ships
activity coordinators," he said brightly. His overly large smile faded
somewhat when met with the blank stares of Tarquin and Logan. “I’m in charge of
familiarizing yourselves with the ship and introducing you to whatever
activities or mores your hearts desire."
    Walter paused
slightly and went on in a slightly less enthusiastic manner. “It would, erm,
seem, that, ah, your ship was detected as carrying a rather excessive amount of
weaponry. As you know, we Hedonist do not value violence in any way, shape or
form. In fact, we abhor it."
    “And?," Logan
prompted him.
    “And,  um yes, I’m
getting to it." He paused to wipe away some non-existent sweat from his
    “We cannot allow
you to bring any form of weapon on board. Unless," he added, a smile
returning to his face, “its for some form of masochistic pleasure. These men,"
he said, gesturing towards the grim faced security guards, “will ensure that no
such weapon is brought on board." He glanced nervously at Tarquin and
Logan. “Would you mind presenting yourselves and your luggage for inspection”?,
he finished hopefully.
    “Yes of course.
We’d be happy to," replied Logan.
    Walter breathed a
sigh of relief and his smile and jovial manner instantly reasserted itself. The
security guards moved to examine the two men and their bags with portable
scanners. Walter waffled on cheerfully. “You’ll find that every conceivable
pleasure is available on this ship for your delight and amusement. The
Hedonist’s value your privacy but if you’re interested in sharing, then many of
our guests receive great contentment from doing just that. I’ll be happy, to um,"
Walter’s voice faltered as the security guards began dropping assorted weaponry
found on the men into the confiscation container, “show you around," he
finished lamely.
    “Goodness, but you
arrived heavily armed for a pleasure cruise. You do realize, of course, that
the safety of our guests is paramount, and no personal weaponry is needed,
thanks to our top notch security men here,” he finished by again gesturing
towards the aforementioned.
    The security
guards, having completed their search of the two men, left, taking the combat
droid and a relatively large amount of confiscated weaponry with them. A
somewhat nervous Walter was left alone with Tarquin and Logan. “Security will
return your items to you upon your departure.” Attempting a bit of levity, he
continued. “You don’t seem to have much luggage left," said Walter, in
what he hoped was a jovial tone.
    “It seems that way
doesn’t it”?, replied Tarquin.
    “Well, um, yes.
Now then. Is there any particular sin or entertainment I can interest you in?”
    “Not right now,"
said Logan. “We’re actually here to surprise one of our friends." He gave
Walter Felix’s description. “You don’t by any chance, happen to recall having
seen him?."
    “No, of course not,"
Walter let loose with a nervous chuckle. “I love to be able to help you, but
this ship has over 20,000 passengers. I can’t be expected to remember all of
them, but I do remember the special ones." He grinned at the men in a way
that he hoped was ingratiating. “If you could provide me with your friend’s
name, I’d be happy to check for you”
    “No thanks. Not
necessary. We can, I take it, check with the ship for passenger names?” inquired
    “Of course. Unless
that passenger had requested anonymity”
    Logan and Tarquin
exchanged a glance.
    “Now then,"
said Walter, choosing to miss the exchange and clapping his hands in
enthusiasm. “Allow me to show you to your rooms."
    Walter led them
through a foyer. Many attractive males and females were arrayed as if for
display. They were surrounded by a

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