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Book: Overdrive by Phillip W. Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phillip W. Simpson
reason couldn’t tolerate the habit.
    Tarquin was
looking dubiously at Logan’s cigarette. “Yeah, but it makes you smell like an
    “Well, keep your
fucking great bonce out of my field then." Both men grinned at each other.
Walter, who was about to summon security, breathed a sigh of relief.
    The portly
activities organizer shut one eye and consulted his AI. To purchase tickets on
a Starcruiser, passengers had to send full descriptions - including holographic
identification - to the ticketing agent, descriptions that the staff of the Dirty
Little Minx could then access.
    “Gentlemen, you
both have suites on Electric blue - level 30. Mr. Pope, you’re in room 30216
and Mr. Compton-Burnett, right next door in 30217. You’ll find they are
luxuriously appointed but if you have any complaints, please do not hesitate to
call upon me.
    Both Tarquin’s and
Logan’s AI’s registered receiving Walter’s Eddress and their room entrance
    “You can also
access any information about the ship, or talk to the ship directly, via your
AI implant. The ship can also communicate verbally if you so desire, if fact, I
believe it wants to welcome you personally as we speak.”
    A sultry, feminine
voice seemed to surround them in the lift.
    “Welcome to you
both, gentlemen. I am the Dirty Little Minx . You may, if you so desire,
call me Minx. I am at your disposal.”
    “Thank you Minx,"
said Logan.
    “My pleasure. 
Firstly, I would like to familiarize yourselves with my general makeup. All
ships functions are regulated by me. My bridge is located on level 60 and you
are welcome to visit personally if you so desire. In fact, I’d love for you to
visit. I do retain a number of human staff – bridge overseers, maintenance and
engineering crew, and of course security. All droids on board are controlled
directly by myself."
replied Logan, a trifle sarcastically.
    The Minx, fully
capable of detecting such mannerisms, decided to ignore Logan’s comment.
    “I am 5.5kms in
length, 2.2 in diameter and 2.3 in height. I am capable of accommodating 22,600
passengers and 3,000 crew. I have 60 levels. Levels 1-10 are designated
docking, storage and administration, levels 11-20 have the designation of
physical recreational pursuits. Levels 21-29 are devoted to bars whether they
be S&M or YV&COM."
Tarquin queried.
    “Young vixens and
Crusty old men."
    “Oh." Logan
was trying unsuccessfully not to laugh.
    “Levels 30 through
50," continued the Minx unperturbed, are the accommodation sections, and
levels 51-59 are designated “Private pursuits."
    “Dare I ask?,"
a grinning Tarquin asked Logan.
    “Best not to,"
he replied. Logan put his cigarette out in the disposal unit provided. The blue
field disappeared taking any traces of smoke with it.
    “The journey to
Revel will take approximately 2 weeks. You have arrived just in time for our
twice weekly Deviant Ball held tonight in our largest venue, the Meat and Two
Vege club encompassing levels 24 and 25. You are encouraged to attend. Costumes
can be provided by Walter here if you are unwilling or unable to use your
    “We’ll see Minx,"
Logan said non-committedly. “Actually, we’re hoping to find one of our friends.
His name is Horace Belloc. He would’ve checked in a few hours before us."
    “Of course. Mr.
Belloc has been allocated room 32762. Would you like me to contact him for you?."
    Logan shook his
head. “No thanks."
    The AG lift began
to move. Not that it was actually appreciable, but the holographic display on
the walls changed every time they got to a new level.
    “If there’s
anything else you need, you are encouraged to talk to myself or Walter. A
partner or even groups can be sent to your room at any time during ship day or
night. Welcome aboard and enjoy your stay”
    “Thanks again Minx,"
said Logan.
    A beaming Walter,
struggling to remain silent during the conversation, finally got his chance to
speak again.

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