Dark Fate: The Gathering (The Dark Fate Chronicles Book 1)

Free Dark Fate: The Gathering (The Dark Fate Chronicles Book 1) by Matt Howerter, Jon Reinke

Book: Dark Fate: The Gathering (The Dark Fate Chronicles Book 1) by Matt Howerter, Jon Reinke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matt Howerter, Jon Reinke
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, vampire, dark fantasy, epic fantasy, sorcery, shapeshifter, elf, sword, dwarf
surrounding her relationship with the handsome traveler had dramatically, and suddenly, expedited the process. It must have been unbearable for Sacha to be severed from all ties so quickly by one brutal command—Father had been most cruel. Sloane took Sacha by the arms. “I am sorry you have suffered, Sister, and I am glad you are here to help me shoulder this burden I must undertake. We have much to discuss. Let us enjoy that for the time being and worry about the rest as it comes.”
    Arece felt a surge of pride at Sloane’s decision to embrace the coming marriage, even to the point of defending it against her sister’s attack. At the same time, she felt sadness for both of her daughters; each caught in a different but no less excruciating situation.
    “I will give you two time to catch up, but don’t dally; there are many things that need attending to in the next few days.” She hugged them both, then took her leave.
    The servants in the corridor came to attention as she closed the heavy door to Sacha’s quarters with a loud thud. An older, heavyset man stepped forward and bowed as Arece turned to face the group.
    “My Queen,” said the large man.
    “Harold, these trunks will need to be put in Galen’s room for now,” Arece commanded with a tilt of her chin at the piled things. She took hold of Harold’s arm and led him away from the rest of the servants. “Give my daughters two hours, then remind them of their duties.”
    “As you say, My Queen.” Harold bowed once more, then strode off to direct the other servants.
    Arece made her way back to the main hall deep in thought. She needed a solution to take the edge off of Sloane’s preoccupation and Sacha’s antipathy toward the journey to Basinia, or they might convince each other to do something foolish. Sacha had already allowed herself to fall to rash action, and the cost had not only been levied against her. Arece had also been forced to endure the temporary exile of her son, Galen. She could not allow a similar situation to happen again.
    She tightened her fists as she walked with purpose toward the staircase that would take her down to the throne room. Arece would need trusted eyes on her daughters, someone well grounded... or better yet, a group of friends to keep the two girls distracted. Yes, an entourage of their closest friends, their cousins, would travel with them to Waterfall Citadel. Hopefully, her daughters couldn’t convince the lot of them to do something rash.
    Slowing her pace through the corridors, Arece pondered her last thought. Her daughters could be influential, so the possibility still remained that an entourage of family would not be enough to keep them in check. The queen decided she would have to send someone loyal only to her to be sure the sisters stayed out of trouble. Eos knew, Sacha would be trouble enough on her own.
    Something would have to be done about Sacha on their arrival to Waterfall Citadel. Her studies at the Monastery were important, but the isolation had taken its toll. Sacha needed companionship, and not the kind she had found with that traveling singer, Renee. Arece would arrange an extended stay in Basinia for her. Perhaps the troubled girl could meet a prominent nobleman during her stay and fall in love, or at least get married.
    Actually, Arece would arrange for that as well. Leave nothing to chance , she thought. Arece maintained powerful connections in Waterfall Citadel; it was time for her to put them to use. She would make sure her daughters were together so they could protect one another. She would have been thankful for a similar situation during her first years in the castle with Hathorn.
    As Arece rounded a corner at the base of the stairwell, strong hands took hold of her and pulled her into a dark chamber off the small hallway.
    Arece tried to scream and clawed for the door as the light reduced to a sliver and then vanished. The hand over her mouth was incredibly strong but it did

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