Space 1999 #3 - The Space Guardians

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Book: Space 1999 #3 - The Space Guardians by Brian Ball Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Ball
dormant now, John. We’ll have a chance of studying—’
    ‘No! I want it rooted out of Zoref’s body! While we’ve got a chance of controlling it, we’ll destroy it—immediately.’
    ‘But John, we can’t do that! Not to an unexplained life-form—’
    ‘Have you forgotten your original advice? You were the one who wanted it blasted, Victor.’
    ‘I was, but then it threatened Alpha, or it seemed to.’ Bergman indicated the slack form. ‘Does that seem to be a threat to Moonbase Alpha?’
    Koenig touched the scar on his forehead. The pain was near again. He refused to acknowledge its nearness:
    ‘Get Kano to set up a computer analysis of possible methods for destruction. I don’t want Zoref harmed, naturally. But I want that thing rooted out!’
    Bergman stared back angrily for a moment. Then:
    ‘Yes, Command—’
    He stopped, aghast. Zoref’s head seemed to glow with an eerie grey-black radiance.
    ‘Guards!’ Morrow was already calling.
    Koenig shouted: ‘Lasers, full power!’ as Zoref’s arms stiffened against the steel bands. He opened his arms, and the bright steel flew back, shattered. He raised his legs, and the steel confining them shivered. At his waist, the powerful bands of metal held for a second or two, then they gave in a ringing spray of razor-edged fragments.
    Zoref stood up and looked at the blue light. He reached a hand to touch it.
    The screen went black.
    ‘Emergency in Medical Centre!’ reported an electronic voice.
    Kano heard. He had a read-out in his hand:
    ‘John, computer wants us to—’
    ‘Not now!’ he snapped. ‘Paul, get a report from the Medical deck!’
    ‘Coming in now, Commander,’ said Morrow tightly.
    ‘Guard Sullivan!’ a hoarse voice called. ‘The man’s gone stark crazy! He’s reaching to the lights and they’re all failing—Now he’s over at the power-controls—he’s hurt, he’s reeling! There’s a sort of smoke-screen around him. I’ll grab him, Controller—’
    ‘Don’t try it!’ roared Koenig. Echoing him, Morrow yelled: ‘Laser, Sullivan—gun him down!’
    There was no answer from the guard.
    Seconds passed. An unimpassioned voice rang hollowly through Main Mission Control.
    ‘Security Guard P. Sullivan. Life-functions now terminated. Detailed report follows —’
    ‘Later!’ called Koenig. ‘Turn the damned thing off!’
    Kano punched commands, and the macabre catalogue of fatal symptoms ceased. It was enough that Sullivan had died. They all knew how they would find him.
    ‘Get down there,’ Koenig said to Bergman. ‘See if there’s any indication of where Zoref’s heading for. I’ll alert Alpha. And take no chances, Victor!’
    Bergman nodded. Koenig wasn’t in the mood for argument, not now. The body-count was up to three.
    ‘Attention all personnel,’ Koenig called. ‘All Moon-base Alpha personnel, this is Commander John Koenig. Now listen!’
    News of Zoref’s sickness had spread throughout the huge complex. The details weren’t known, but the size of the pursuit operation clearly indicated the seriousness of Zoref’s condition. Men and women stopped what they were doing. They listened to their Commander in tense and fearful anticipation.
    ‘Technician Zoref is under medical supervision. He has received a massive overdose of radiation, and he is in a dangerous condition. That danger extends to all Alphans. Technician Zoref is a danger to each and every one of you! He is not, repeat not, to be approached, except by Security sections. Side-arms have been issued and a shoot-to-kill authorization exists in case of attack. Technician Zoref has been responsible for the deaths of three Alphans, so I give you this warning again: keep away from Zoref! If you sight Zoref,’ concluded Koenig, ‘report the news at once! Stay at your posts and report sightings to Main Mission Control!’
    ‘Orders, Commander?’ asked Morrow.
    ‘Make sure your Security details know what to do.’
    Bergman returned.
    ‘Sullivan was

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