Dreams Claimed (Warfield's Landing, #1)
comfortable spending the money personally, but to help other artists over the long term? Max set up his Foundation to do that. I see this as an adjunct to what the foundation does.”
    “Alright, then...” Karyn thought a bit. “The first thing we need to do is find out what kind of shape this place is really in, and then how much the owner wants.”
    While they’d been talking, Stevie reappeared, an attractive woman in tow. The woman’s brunette hair was pulled up in a French twist, her Chanel style suit an attractive rose, and she was wearing lovely but practical flats.
    With a ringmaster’s cadence, Stevie spoke. “And here we have, Ms. Julia Livingston, Real Estate Agent Extraordinaire, and Listing Agent for this magnificent property.”
    Gravely, she made the introductions. “Julia, this is Nic Bannerman, Brilliant Artist and here is Karyn Turner, principal in the firm of Mallory and Turner—Design and Construction.”
    The women shook hands, smiling. Julia gestured at Stevie with a thumb and asked the other two, “Is she always like this?”
    “Pretty much.” This came out in perfect unison, invoking a laugh from all four of them.
    Julia held up a set of keys. “Did you want to see inside?”
    Karyn and Nic exchanged glances. “You bet!” Nic answered.
    “Let me get my flashlight, tape measure, and notebook.” Karyn reached out a hand for the van keys and hurried across the street, clicking the remote as she went.
    J ulia unlocked the front door of the school building and they entered.
    There was a broad hall running the length of the building. Wide stairs with a landing half way up split the classrooms, leaving three on each side at the front of the building and four at the back. Just as Karyn had guessed, the restrooms were directly opposite the stairwell.
    Despite being in the center of the building, the hall was filled with light, provided by high windows running the length of each classroom, much like transoms. Along the walls and underneath the narrow windows were vintage metal lockers.
    “What would you ladies like to see first?” Julia held up the keys and jingled them with a smile. “As far as I know, I have access to everything.”
    Karyn was now in full architect/contractor mode. “I’d like to start at the top, in case there is roof damage.”
    “We can do that, and I can also tell you that the roof was replaced about 10 years ago, so from what I know, it’s in pretty good shape.” Julia led the way down the hall to the staircase.
    The roof access turned out to be hidden in a storage room. Soon, they were standing on the roof and looking around.
    While Karyn prowled about making encouraging sounds, Nic admired the magnificent views. One side of the school faced the river. With no buildings across the street, river views were unobstructed for all of the classrooms on that side of the building.
    On the other side of the building, the school property backed up to undeveloped woodland. This meant that the classrooms on the off river side also had lovely natural views.
    “This is beautiful.” Nic said to Julia.
    Julia pointed to the wooded area and said, “That land back there, as well as the three lots across the street along the river are also available. Buying them would allow you to maintain the natural views.”
    “That is certainly something to think about...” Nic’s natural frugality asserted itself. “Of course, price would be a consideration.”
    “Of course,” Julia agreed. “But I can say, all three parcels have been on the market for a while and there has been limited interest.”
    Karyn came up behind them. “Is it possible to see the basement?”
    Julia beamed. “It sure is.”

Lunch in Warfield’s Landing, MD
    N ic’s head was spinning. She’d been serious about the project, but never in her wildest dreams had she expected things to move this quickly.
    Last night, revved up about checking out the school today, she’d impulsively called

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