Three Way, the Novel

Free Three Way, the Novel by Olivia Hawthorne, Olivia Long

Book: Three Way, the Novel by Olivia Hawthorne, Olivia Long Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Hawthorne, Olivia Long
dug my fingers into the edge of the table and held on as he shoved my thighs apart and slipped his tongue along my soaking wet cleft.
    “Oh Ryker,” I moaned and writhed against his face. “This feels so good.”
    My hips bucked and he placed his huge hands on them to hold me down and continue his oral attack on my clit.
    I came fast and hard and all at once. There was no slow build, it was fast and frenetic and I screamed his name so hard my throat felt raw as I came down afterwards.
    He slowly licked my flesh and moved towards my inner thigh, up my leg to the plain where it joined my body, along my abdomen and towards my breasts.
    He took one breast in his mouth and my nipples pebbled rock hard in response. I gasped and reached for him, pulling him up for a kiss.
    He tasted of me, sweet and tangy, and he growled against my neck as our kiss ended. “You are fucking exquisite, kitten.”
    I shivered at the intensity of his voice and said, “I love this, Ryker. I love being with you.”
    He slid his tongue along my neck and sucked my collarbone, leaving little nibbles and spears of pleasure in his wake. “I love you, kitten.”
    “What?” I gasped and grabbed his bulging biceps, pulling up to look at him.
    “I love you,” he growled. “I loved you the moment I saw you in that alley and I knew you’d be mine.”
    “I…I love you too,” I said and felt tears springing to my eyes. I’d never told anybody those words before, not like this.
    “I’m going to fuck you,” he said and kissed me again, pressing himself between my thighs and pushing himself inside of me. “And then I’ll make love to you.”
    I dug my fingernails into his back and raked them down his flesh until I held onto his hips and pulled him into me deeper and harder.
    He made good on his word that night, fucking me on the elaborately laid out dining room table. Afterwards we ate and drank and laughed, and he picked up me up in his arms and carried me upstairs to his bed.
    And there we made love. It was incredible.
    He was incredible.

Chapter Fifteen
    I woke in the morning with sunlight piercing my eyelids and hurting my head. I hadn’t drunk much the night before but we’d only gotten a couple hours of sleep.
    I rolled over in his huge bed and found it empty. I could still see the impression of his head in the pillow and smell his musky scent on the sheets.
    My desire coursed through my body at the mere thought of him next to me all night, at the thought of the things that we’d done.
    I got up and wandered to the immense bathroom just off the bedroom and half expected to find him in the shower.
    It was empty and the marble was cold.
    I was a little irked at waking up alone and hoped he hadn’t taken off again without telling me this time. It would be so awkward having to deal with the household staff all on my own.
    I realized with a sudden jolt that my clothes had been left downstairs last night. I felt a red hot rush of embarrassment wash over me.
    I didn’t even have my phone with me to text Ryker, it was in my purse and my purse was probably sitting on a pile of my clothing somewhere downstairs.
    “Fuck me,” I moaned under my breath. I searched through the walk in closet that was larger than my bedroom for something I could wear.
    I settled on one of Ryker’s shirts and a pair of boxer shorts. They would have to do.
    I decided to have a quick shower first to refresh myself before facing all those people I didn’t know and who would surely look down their noses at me.
    I briefly wondered how many women Ryker had dragged through here over the years. Would I just be one in a long string of easy girls?
    I took my time in the spa shower and let the jets shoot steaming hot water all up and down my body. I even lounged on the built in heated chaise and let the water wash away any anxiety I might have.
    I toweled off, combed my hair and left it in loose, tousled curls to dry and pulled on Ryker’s shirt and boxers.
    I took a

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