My Alphas: The Complete Series

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Book: My Alphas: The Complete Series by Emily Cantore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Cantore
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his human side vanished under the red mist of rage that filled his mind. He shifted and leapt at Rey.
    Cass hurried down the tunnel, clutching a blanket around her. She’d bolted up when she heard Rey roar but her rush was halted by realizing it would be naked unless she improvised some clothing.
    Her backpack was still full of mud, the clothes she washed were splayed out on rocks near the warm spring and despite delivering her tea candles, the werewolves hadn’t thought to bring her something to wear. Cass settled on a blue blanket, pulling it off the bed and wrapping it around herself. It hugged her body, giving her some ridiculous cleavage but it would have to do.
    Cass hustled as fast as she could to the main cavern, feeling an icy anxiety rushing through her. One werewolf was going to kill another and it was her fault.
    She turned a corner and collided with Nia, the shorter girl’s lips hitting Cass on the chin. Nia didn’t pull back but instead hugged Cass and then sniffed her all over.
    “You have mated with Rey! You have his seed inside you!”
    There was a another vicious roar from behind her in the main cavern and Cass didn’t get a chance to answer Nia’s bubbling joy.
    “Edon has refused to leave. They’re fighting to determine who will be Alpha. It is very exciting,” Nia said, stepping from foot to foot. She grabbed Cass by the hand and pulled her back with her.
    Cass stumbled out into the light and then crashed into the back of Nia as she halted, getting a faceful of brown hair. She stepped away from her and looked around to get her bearings. All around the area the pack was gathered. Many of them were in wolf form and some kept shifting back and forth, stepping and pacing.
    Down below, Edon and Rey faced off against one another. They were both far larger than any other wolf in the pack. Rey was pure black, the red of his mouth and the white of his bared teeth standing out in stark relief. Edon was copper, his coat catching glints of light and brightening as he moved from shadow to light. His fangs were bared and as Cass watched he snapped at Rey, the black wolf avoiding the bite.
    Edon snapped again, almost catching Rey as he was forced to step over a log intended for one of the fires. Rey leapt past Edon, shoving him with his shoulder but the copper wolf swiftly recovered and soon was forcing Rey toward the log once more. Cass watched, hardly breathing, as Edon again snapped at Rey, forcing him over the log. As soon as Rey lifted his foot, Edon lunged, ramming the black wolf and flinging him across the room. Rey crashed into the wall and was instantly on his feet. Cass blinked and in that moment of darkness Rey attacked. He was so fast it was like watching a film with frames missing. One moment he was near the wall, the next Edon was flying through the air to crash into the far wall himself.
    The assembled werewolves barked and yipped as Edon moved back toward Rey, stepping softly down the stone platforms. Cass saw Nia wringing her hands together, still moving from foot to foot.
    As she’d been running through the tunnel, Cass had thought perhaps she could somehow come between Edon and Rey like she had yesterday. Seeing them fighting now had frozen her to the spot. To come between those two would be to risk death. Both of them were growling, a mad bloodlust in their eyes.
    Edon reached Rey’s level and moved forward and Cass clenched her hands on her blanket, waiting for the next blow.
    Suddenly, Edon and Rey both shifted and turned toward the main entrance. All around the room werewolves shifted to human form. A moment later a dark-haired woman stumbled in the door, blood pouring from a wound on her arm.
    “Attack!” she yelled and toppled down the steps.
    The room broke out into a pandemonium of noise. Nia shoved Cass back through the door and then rushed her upwards so fast her feet barely touched the ground. They didn’t return to her room but kept moving up until they reached a wooden

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