To Charm an Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)

Free To Charm an Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) by Joanna Wilson

Book: To Charm an Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) by Joanna Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Wilson
    To Charm an Alpha
    “ Late this afternoon a member of the so called Lunar Front was found dead in an Englewood alley. Bloodied and pumped full of silver nitrate, witnesses described five men fleeing the scene. Both the Front and Washington condemned the actions as barbaric and cruel. More tonight at 11. ”
    Kaylee watched the TV absentmindedly in the lobby of her father's floor. Another day, another murder. She was nervous. Being the daughter of a senator from Chicago, she would be the ideal target for inevitable reprisals. Stupid Lycans, she thought.
    If they just could have been grateful for the acres of forest land gifted to them, then none of this would have happened. She wouldn't be away from college, away from her girlfriends tonight and away-
    “Hey.” said a man as he stood before her.
    She wanted to snap at him for interrupting her thoughts until her eyes roved over his chest. She sized him up. He was tall with close cropped jet black hair and a frame that filled him out like a tank draped in casual business wear.
    “Hey?” she said.
    He extended his hand and smiled. “Drew Young. Pleased to meet you.” His eyes were bright and blue, like the sky stretched over untamed plains of green.
    His hand was very warm and she felt his sheer vitality spread up her arm. “Oh. I'm... I'm Kaylee Peralta. Nice to meet you too.”
    His eyes widened and his eyebrows arched in delight. “Ah the senator's daughter! What are the odds?”
    She smirked and didn't know if he was playing with her. “You're... not one of my dad's guards?”
    He chuckled and fell into the cushion beside her. “Nah! I'm a lobbyist. Your old man and me, we've got some business to attend to.” He rested his square jaw upon his fist and looked into her eyes. “So what's a little gem like you doin' in a dull, boring...” he looked around, and took in the overbearing phosphorescent lights and the fake plastic plants, “sterile place like this? There's no life!”
    Kaylee blushed and looked down. She liked to feel special. “Well I guess it was because that one idiot Lycan gangbanger got jumped by like five guys... so they figured it must have been a government sponsored hit or whatever.” She looked up to him. “That's why I'm here. My dad didn't want his 'little princess's' house gettin' blown down by a big bad wolf.”
    A devilish smile broke out across Drew's face. “Damn good decision he made. Smart man, because god knows, if they found you they wouldn't be using their lungs to take off the roof.” He stroked his chin. “Perhaps Semtex explosives. They're not much for huffin' and puffin' or the old grandma routine these days.”
    Kaylee laughed for the first time since she had been brought to her father's building. When she recovered and looked back into Drew's sky blue eyes she felt like she had come home. That she could trust him. “So. Drew. What is it that you lobby for?”
    Drew relaxed further into his cushion and threw his arm around Kaylee's shoulder and drew her in. A little forward, but she liked it. It felt good to be close to him. “Well now that's the question isn't it?” He said it as if he didn't know but Kaylee didn't care. “Corporate land management. I represent the companies that administer the forest reserves for the... well you know.”
    “The Lycans.” she sighed. “God I just wish they would go away. Let them urinate, murder and rape everything they touch on their own lands. No one would care if they stuck to the woods.” She looked up to him. “They're a problem.”
    A twitch came across Drew's face, though Kaylee did not register it. Only a strong squeeze reminded her his hands were on her. She suppressed a contented sigh at the thought of his hands in more sensitive places. She just met him! How could she think like that?
    “Kaylee, I have a secret.” he said, smiling. “I'm a Lycan. And so is that receptionist over there. You

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