bathrooms.” Kaylee nodded, mesmerized by his piercing eyes and resonant voice. “The way they force themselves on women is so slow and seductive that one feels wrong using the word force.” He brought his lips to her ear. “The women, each and every time they were cornered... gave themselves up to the Lycans.”
Kaylee sighed softly and felt electric tingles spiral between her legs.
“They create an atmosphere of primal attraction that none are immune to. Not me. Not you.” He stroked Kaylee's neck with feather like gentleness. She shivered. “It's a perfectly normal reaction, but we are in a war here and some facts...need adjusting. Imagine a species that could not only make you feel vulnerable, but make you want to feel vulnerable. And then offer protection, wrapped in pleasure... endless pleasure.”
“A scary enemy. Especially if they ever managed cross breed with human women. Imagine the number boost they would get if all the women in the city collectively surrendered to such robust... virile beasts.” Drew stared into her eyes, and smiled as she bit her lips and crossed her legs.
“So you can see why the propaganda is needed.” His hand drifted down from her shoulder and nudged against the curve of her breast. He wrapped his fingers around her waist. “I mean, just imagine the kind of chaos that would ensue if the daughter of one the Lunar Front's most powerful enemies was taken by the Lycans.”
“The horror of being lured by those monsters and being rutted like you were some pack bitch...” He turned away and his gaze was distant, as if imagining the scenario of her capture. “To be taken... claimed... blissfully trapped...” He turned back to her, “it would almost be too much for a father to bear. Thankfully, you're safe here.”
“Yeah...” she said breathily. The mere idea made her shudder. Her father's friends were usually not so compelling. Her father. What would he think of her traitorous thoughts? She tried to push her feelings away. She failed.
Drew tilted his head away from her and scanned the lobby. He could see the shadow of Senator Peralta pace behind his windowed door, shouting on his phone. All the while, his two bodyguards talked to the cute receptionist in the middle of the room.
He turned back to her and ran his hand in between the cleft of her legs. She let out a low moan and rubbed his hand harder against her soaked jeans. He came within kissing distance of her face and let his manly musk overpower her senses.
“I have something to show you...”
“Yes?” she said, her voice trembling and full of need.
“There's a great coffee shop on the floor below.” He could see a momentary flicker of concern come across her eyes. “But don't worry. You'll be safe. Your father has men on every floor and I'm a pretty big guy, too.”
She sighed in relief. “Oh yes...I'd like that.” she purred and couldn't shake her need for him. What had come over her? Her eyes lowered to his crotch and she licked her lips as she saw his bulging package. She wasn't sure if it was asleep or erect, it was so sizable she didn't care.
He gave her a lingering kiss on the lips. Her hands fluttered as the tiniest whine of desire emerged from her delicate throat. He pulled away and caressed her chin. “Come, let's get out of here.”
Ten minutes later in a restroom adjacent to the coffee shop, the couple went about the real reason why they went down to the lower floor. She trembled and moaned as he pinned her against a wall. He held her by the hair as he feasted on her soft, feminine lips.
He pushed her down to her knees and she trembled with desire when she felt his restrained member swell through his pants. Like his body, his groin radiated heat. An erotic heat that she was helpless to keep from seeping into herself.
She parted his jeans and stroked his restrained cock like some sacred relic. It was more than a craving
Jessica Deborah; Nelson Allie; Hale Winnie; Pleiter Griggs