The Desperate Bride’s Diet Club

Free The Desperate Bride’s Diet Club by Alison Sherlock

Book: The Desperate Bride’s Diet Club by Alison Sherlock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Sherlock
took a large glug of coffee. ‘Needed that,’ he said, leaning back against the sofa.
    Miriam tutted and shook her head. ‘They work you too hard at thatoffice. You must rest properly, darling.’
    Sebastian smiled. ‘I’m fine, Mum.’
    Sebastian was always fussed over by his mother. He was the crown prince, the only child of a couple who had started their family late in life. Therefore, he was adored and smothered in equal measure.
    ‘You had that flu in December and the body needs time to recover. Especially a gentle constitution like yours. Did youget that echinacea I sent you? Your immune system will still be fragile and you mustn’t catch another cold otherwise you’ll be suffering for months to come.’
    Sebastian put down his cup and took Violet’s hand in his. She hoped he didn’t notice how sweaty it was from nerves.
    ‘Enough of the doom-and-gloom talk. I have some good news for you.’ He smiled at his parents.
    Miriam’s face clicked upin expectation.
    ‘Violet and I are engaged!’ said Sebastian with a flourish.
    ‘Darling!’ cried his mother, leaping up from his chair to hug her son. ‘How wonderful!’
    ‘Yes,’ barked Donald, staying put in his seat. ‘Congratulations, son.’
    Miriam then gave Violet a very awkward hug before moving quickly back to her armchair.
    ‘When’s the big day?’ asked Miriam.
    Sebastian and Violet looked at eachother. They hadn’t got round to planning the wedding day yet.
    ‘Not sure,’ said Sebastian. ‘We only got engaged a week ago.’
    ‘And you didn’t call before now?’ said Miriam with a pout.
    ‘We wanted to come and tell you face to face,’ said Sebastian, knowing how to placate his mother.
    Miriam nodded. ‘Of course,’ she said, smiling once more.
    ‘Where were you thinking of having the reception?’ askedDonald.
    Violet had thought of a few ideas regarding the big day and turned to say as much to Miriam but Sebastian placed a hand on her knee. ‘I’ll answer that, darling.’
    Violet nodded. Of course. This was his family. It was right that he should be the one discussing the details with them.
    ‘Actually we were wondering if you had any ideas,’ Sebastian said.
    Violet was stunned. Why did they needto ask Sebastian’s parents for ideas?
    Miriam smiled at her son. ‘Well, you’ll get married at St Winifred’s, naturally.’
    Sebastian nodded.
    ‘So the reception can be at the Hyde Country Club.’
    ‘Good choice,’ said Donald, nodding.
    In fact, everyone was nodding with approval. Apart from Violet, who had never even heard of these places.
    She looked up and found Miriam watching her.
    ‘Obviously,I know the unfortunate story of your parents,’ said Miriam. ‘Have you any other family to help with the arrangements?’
    Violet took a deep intake of breath. But Miriam was right. There was no one. She shook her head.
    ‘Oh dear,’ cooed Miriam. ‘Well, we’ll cope. And I suppose we could fill your half of the church with some of the more distant members of our family. Great-uncle Geoffrey, for example.’

    ‘Absolutely,’ said Sebastian.
    Miriam turned to face Donald. ‘A lot of the aunts and uncles are getting on a bit so the heat of summer is really out of the question. Autumn is a busy time for me, what with the bazaar and flower festival.’
    ‘Indeed,’ murmured Donald.
    Violet glanced across at Sebastian but he was staying silent. She couldn’t believe he was going to let his parents choose the venueand now the date for their wedding.
    ‘I know!’ said Miriam. ‘New Year’s Eve. The Christmas rush at church will be over. It’ll be lovely with the tree and we won’t have to buy flowers for the church. Plus we won’t have to attend John’s dreadful New Year’s Eve party for the tenth year running.’
    ‘Hear hear!’ barked Donald.
    ‘Perfect,’ said Sebastian, turning to Violet with a beaming smile.
    Violetwas so stunned she could do nothing but fix on a fake smile and stay silent.
    Grateful of

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