Guardian of Eden

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Book: Guardian of Eden by Leslie DuBois Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie DuBois
happier than…than when I’m with you, Garrett.”
The excitement of having her in my room quickly waned as I thought about the possibility of her feelings for me not being genuine. I began to doubt myself, to doubt her. A normal teenage boy probably wouldn’t care, but I was not a normal teenage boy. I couldn’t want someone who didn’t want me.
I ran my fingers through my hair and turned away from her.
“Garrett,” she said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me back to her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and held me tightly while resting her head on my shoulder.
We stayed there, holding each other, speaking silent words of devotion for what seemed like forever. Then we both jumped at the sound of a car door. Maddie nearly fell off the dresser. We made it back to the living room just as Corbin opened the front door with Eden a step behind.
“ Holly’s not here?” Corbin asked as he set a bag of groceries on the kitchen table.
I shook my head. “I thought she was with you?”
“ Nope. I haven’t seen her all day. Eden’s been helping me out at the studio all afternoon.” Eden nodded her head slowly in agreement, while not taking her eyes off of Maddie . Soon an awkward silence fell as Corbin too began to stare at Maddie . I realized I hadn’t introduced her or explained why she was there.
“I’m Garrett’s friend, Maddie ,” she volunteered while extending her hand to Corbin.
Friend? Why did she keep calling me her friend?

Chapter 10: Father Figure
As I got ready for school the next day, Eden came into my room and sat quietly on the floor. I knew she wanted to talk to me about something, but I thought it best to let her do so in her own time. I busied myself by organizing my backpack and making my bed, anything to waste time until Eden was ready to bring up what was on her mind.
For lack of anything else to do, I picked up my dictionary, sat on my bed, and began my search for the word of the day. Usually, I just opened the dictionary and randomly pointed to a word. Today, in order to prolong the process, I decided to actually look at the words and pick out a ‘pretty’ one just like Grandma Jean used to do. I smiled at the memory of her. I wondered if, wherever she was, she knew how much of an influence she’d had on my life. Would I have the same love of words if she hadn’t instilled the value of them into me at such a young age? I still remembered how we would walk through the neighborhood hand in hand and she would point to signs and ask me to read them to her. I could have easily lied to her about what they said and made up my own thing, but I would never do that to Grandma Jean. I loved and respected her too much. She would also take me to libraries in rich neighborhoods where they would have story time for the kids. She put so much effort into trying to make me a good and educated person. I hoped I’d never let her down.
 I was lost in memories of my Grandmother when Eden said, “Garrett, am I too young to have a boyfriend?”
“Boyfriend?” I closed the dictionary and placed it on the bed trying to remain calm. I knew I would one day have to have this conversation with her, but I never thought it would be so soon. “Yes, you’re too young. Why would you even ask that? You’re 11 years old.” The goal of remaining calm proved harder than I thought.
Eden hugged her knees and stared at her shoes. She frowned as if she had a secret she didn’t want to share.
“Is there something you want to tell me? Did someone ask you out?”
“Well, Adam Roberts kinda asked me to the eighth grade dance and I kinda want to go with him.” Eden looked up at me with her brown green eyes as if pleading with me to give her permission. I felt honored that she had asked me instead of Holly or Corbin. I guessed that over the years I felt like more of a parent to her than either one of them ever could.
I sighed, relieved that she was only concerned about some silly little middle school dance. I hoped I

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