AKLESH (Under Strange Skies)

Free AKLESH (Under Strange Skies) by Samuel Jarius Pettit

Book: AKLESH (Under Strange Skies) by Samuel Jarius Pettit Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samuel Jarius Pettit
exactly his friends, but they were familiar and this gave him a little comfort. The young prince found it best to sit and just breathe.

    Tyro had been pulled into a conference with other warriors, including the unpleasant Vol, who made no effort to hide her displeasure. It seemed like Tyro was getting read the riot act.

    The mental onslaught from Kai had knocked the wind out of him, and the attack on his senses had been merciless. Although he could still feel the young tribesman’s dull rage on the edges of his awareness, the emotion had pulled back considerably. Gar had no idea such a vehement volcano was lurking under the passive exterior of the young native.

    Gradually, the council members returned, taking their seats in the small arena. Since he was still fairly ill, Gar was not asked to stand. Seema put her arm around his shoulder and the crowd waited for the High Mother to speak.

    All eyes were fixed on them.

    She stood up and looked directly at the Healer, who nodded. Then the High Mother gave a deep sigh. It was apparent that whatever the council had decided was something she did not totally agree with.

    “Gar of the Sky Tribe,” she said. “We have a saying among our people which you have already heard. ‘The mind’s eye cannot lie.’ This means that anything witnessed from another through joining is truth. We cannot hide the truth from our inner selves. We have heard testimony from an honest source on your behalf that confirms this. Though unconventional, it cannot be denied. We are satisfied that you are not an Other. Although you have broken the agreement with the Sky Tribes, it was not done with ill intent. The other trials you’ve had to endure recently we are satisfied are more than punishment enough. It has been decided that you will be offered sanctuary in our tribe until you are returned to your home or decide to leave on your own accord, if you request it.” Chaos erupted among the crowd. Some were protesting the decision. It appeared that those gathered were split by this outcome. The High Mother raised her hands and all was silenced.

    “The word on this is final,” she stated plainly. “Gar, understand that if you are to remain among us, you will obey our laws and traditions.
    You say you are a prince in your tribe. That may be true, but here you are no better than anyone else.
    There will be no special treatment. Starting tomorrow, Zaela‘vhal, our healer, will help you to deal with your unique situation. Is this clear?” Gar nodded. He understood that he was safe for now. His future, though, still felt fairly uncertain.

    The High Mother addressed the throng.

    “Return to you homes. This council is ended.
    May your nights be restful and your coming day full.”


    Gar returned with Tyro, Seema and Tilo to the second level. When they arrived there Seema squeezed his hand.

    “I’ll come see you in the morning. Tilo and I will show you around the keep. Then we will take you to the Healer.”

    “Sure,” replied Gar. He was eager to see the Healer and be rid of Kai’s emotions that abused him so fiercely.

    Tyro gave him a firm nod and Tilo waved.
    Then they walked into the attached huts at the center of the small balcony, leaving him standing alone in the night air outside the small hut he’d been taken to earlier that day. Gar felt stupid. Of course these had been Tyro’s family huts. He was now in their care or they had volunteered to take responsibility for him. Whichever it was, he was grateful. They had been one of the few people to show him kindness, even if it was begrudgingly on Tyro’s part.

    Gar walked to the railing and gazed up to the heavens. The night sky was a painful reminder that he was very far away from home.

    He had run away from Orestus for a few days before. This was not uncommon for him. And soon, when he had not been heard from for a while or no scandal had erupted in his wake, an exhaustive search would begin. After all, he was their crown

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