Erin's Rebel

Free Erin's Rebel by Susan Macatee

Book: Erin's Rebel by Susan Macatee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Macatee
saw him. Before she could pass him, he grasped her arm. She strained against his grip.
    “I need to get more water.” She held the empty bucket for him to see.
    “I’d like a word with you first,” he ground against her ear.
    “But they need me—”
    Ignoring her protest, Jake yanked her outside into the rain. “Let me go!” She dropped the bucket.
    Jake glanced inside the barn. No one noticed him pull her outside. After shoving her under the canopy of a wide oak, he spun her around to face him. “I want to know what’s going on between you and Captain Montgomery.”
    Her eyelids narrowed to slits. “Nothing’s going on. He’s been wounded, and he’s lying in there barely alive.” She flung her free arm toward the barn.
    “I need to know you won’t betray me,” he said. “Remember, I know who and what you are.”
    Before she could reply, one of the drummer boys stepped out, lifting the bucket she’d dropped. The lad’s blond eyebrows rose when he spotted the two standing in the rain.
    “Ma’am, they said I should fetch the water right quick.”
    Erin glanced at Jake. “Leave it out to catch the rain water,” she told the boy. “Bring the other bucket, too.”
    “Yes, ma’am.” He left the bucket out in the open and disappeared inside.
    She looked at Jake. “I’ll talk to you about this later.”
    He nodded, releasing her arm. He’d wait until later when they had privacy. Before he could issue a final warning, the boy reappeared with a second bucket he placed beside the first. Erin and the boy disappeared inside, leaving Jake alone. He strode to his tent. Once things calmed down, he’d see to it she reveal everything. Or on second thought, maybe he should take matters into his own hands. He needed knowledge of all her activities, so he’d have evidence to hold against her, if she ever had any thoughts of betraying him.
    Sitting near his cot, Erin stared at the captain who appeared to be sleeping after his surgery. Doc had dug out the lead ball and stitched the jagged wound. For now, the best thing she could do was keep the area clean. She carefully removed Will’s bandage by first soaking it with water from the basin she’d placed beside him. With the bandage wet, she snipped it off with a small pair of scissors. Exposing the bright red wound, streaked with a dark zigzag edge, she looked for any sign of infection. If I only had some sort of antibiotic. Even an ointment ! Infection could be a death sentence, especially in his weakened state.
    Seeing no pus and catching no putrid smell, she breathed a sigh of relief. She gently washed the side of his chest moving beyond the edge of the wound, ending at his narrow waist. Glancing at his face every few seconds, she looked for any indication she caused him pain.
    Using a linen towel to dry the area, she re-bandaged him with the help of one of the musicians serving as a medical steward. Settling him back on the cot, she touched his cheek where a few days stubble roughened his face. His eyes remained closed.
    “Will?” she whispered.
    He reached a hand toward her.
    She clasped it in both of hers.
    “Anne,” he rasped.
    Erin glanced around in surprise. She’d grown used to being mistaken for other women, but this man meant something to her.
    “His wife.” Doc had sidled up beside her. “She died just after the war started.”
    Erin nodded, glancing at the captain. “How did she die?”
    “Pneumonia. She’d given birth to a stillborn son shortly after Christmas of ’60. The birth had weakened her, and she never fully recovered.”
    “He left when she was sick?”
    “At first, she had nothing life threatening. She stayed with his parents and the servants. Just after he left for camp, she came down with the grippe, which progressed to croup. Will wasn’t able to obtain a furlough to go to her. His parents assured him they’d care for her. Told him his duty was to defend Virginia.”
    “That’s awful.”
    “He got the telegram

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