Country Love (A Billionaire BWWM Romance)

Free Country Love (A Billionaire BWWM Romance) by Mia Caldwell

Book: Country Love (A Billionaire BWWM Romance) by Mia Caldwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Caldwell
something big here, really,
really big."

    "You need me
in the office to tell me?"

    "Yes, no
wait, no," his voice was cracking like an eight grade boy. My heart rate
soared, what could he want? Was there something wrong with my pictures of

    He didn't leave
me in suspense long. "Fine I guess I'll just tell you, but you're not
allowed to say no."

doesn't inspire confidence, Gil," I laughed nervously. People were
streaming past me on the sidewalk. There was no place private to hear whatever
bad news he was about to give me.

    "This is a
massive scoop for Auteur, Exclusive access he's never granted before. You'll
need to pack for three weeks, minimum..."

    "Wait, Gil,
you're going too fast. You want me to what?"

    But he was off and
running. "Backstage access, intimate shots, band life, Mo, it's
unprecedented. He's so careful with his image, that wholesome aw-shucks-ma'am
thing he has going on. You can blow the lid open on that. The wild scene
backstage...I can't believe he asked for this, this is massive..."

    "Gil, slow
down. Who asked for what?"

    Gil took a deep,
frustrated breath. "Tanner Brock!" he squeaked indignantly.

    I stood frozen in
the middle of the sidewalk. "Tanner asked for...."

    "For you,
Monique. He is granting unlimited backstage access to you and you alone. You
will tour with the band for three weeks, getting shots of life on the road.
He's never given this before, to anyone. Are you on board? And remember, you're
not allowed to say no."

    Tanner asked for
me. Me, personally. My heart was hammering in my throat for a different reason
entirely. "He wants me?"

    "You, Mo. I
sent him previews of the shots you took back on the ranch and that apparently
impressed him, because he wanted more. He said he would only grant this story
if you were the photographer."

    Bang bang bang went my heart. Impressed him. Impressed
him because I told him no, that was the real reason. Men like Tanner weren't
used to being denied. He was using his influence to get at me again, pulling
the celebrity angle to get his way. I should have been offended. I should have
gotten angry. I should have told Gil that I wasn't a prize, and Tanner Brock
shouldn't be allowed to rig the game.

    But all I could
think of was Tanner's lips on mine. My lips were betraying me, with their
greedy need to feel his kisses again. And that was why they answered,
"Yes, I'll do it."


    Chapter Sixteen


    Leo Williams
looked every inch a security guard, and there were a lot of inches, both vertically and horizontally. A massive
light-skinned Black man with more muscles that I knew were possible, he looked
over his mirrored shades at me with an appraising look on his face. Then he
glanced down at his clipboard and back up at me.

    I started to
wonder if this had all been a huge mistake on Gil's part. Maybe he had
misinterpreted what Tanner had offered. It wouldn't have been the first time
that my editor sent me on a wild goose chase. I resolved to brazen it through.
"Mr. Brock's team should have received my clearances. My editor faxed over
my insurance papers and all that stuff already."

    "You're the
photographer, huh?" he rumbled, his voice as deep as Barry White's.
"Didn't expect you to be..." he paused meaningfully,   "...young."

    I grinned at him.
"A lot of people find that startling," I said, letting what was
unspoken hang in the air.

    He nodded briskly
in understanding and I knew all at once that I had made an important ally in
Tanner's bodyguard. I drew myself up to my full height, which even in heels got
me only as high as his armpit. "Monique Williams," I smiled, craning
my neck to look him in the eye.

Willams, USMC retired."

    "Nice to
meet you, Leo."

    "You as
well, Miss Williams, and may I just say, you're a sight for sore eyes?"

    I flashed him a
megawatt smile and he clutched his heart in mock

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