The Tiger Within

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Book: The Tiger Within by Amanda Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Anderson
eyes and they were blue. He felt her tiny mind probing his own. Her. How could this be? Amelia had given birth to a female cub.
    He stared down at the beautiful creature in his arms as she began to change. He heard Amelia’s cry of pain as she changed back to her human form, but he was in awe of his beautiful daughter.
    He heard the choked sob of another and quickly place his daughter at Amelia’s breast as she guided Colin to her other breast. He kissed her on the forehead and surveyed his beautiful family. Both babes drank hungrily from their mother as she cuddled them close. At her assurance that she was fine he turned to the men. He secured the bed curtains again as he stepped from behind them. He found a boy, of no more than twelve, kneeling on the floor.
    “What happened to him?” He asked the others.
    “He ‘eard the babe and fell to his knees. You may be looking at your future son in law, My Laird.” Laird Liam McNeal stepped forward and clapped Henry on the back. The man smiled, but Henry could see the crushing disappointment in his eyes. “He’s James McIntosh, son of Cyril and Amy. Rightful Laird of McIntosh clan, well, what’s left of it,” he said with a shrug of his massive shoulders.
    “A worthy lad then.” Henry remembered the overwhelming feelings that had overtaken him upon Amelia’s birth all those years ago as he spoke to Liam. “Your time will come, my friend. Do not lose hope.” He said looking into the eyes of his friend.
    “Och I am too old for a wee lass such as ye have there. Nay, I fear I will not be blessed as ye have.” He turned and left the room with a sad shake of his head.
    Henry closed his eyes. Many men were losing hope. His people needed a miracle to ensure their survival. Could his tiny children be the answer to their prayers?
    He took the boy by the shoulders and probed his mind. He felt his confusion and he felt his daughter. She had reached for her mate.
    “Come along boy. There is someone who would like to meet you.” He led the boy to Amelia’s bed side and placed the new babe in his arms. The room was encompassed with such love that it was almost tangible.
    “Amelia, this is James. I believe he will be our little Serina’s mate.”
    “Serina? I like that, and I think you are right. God help him. I fear she will be a handful. I can feel her mind trying to persuade me already.” She smiled over at the boy who held her child with such care and love. “Are you agreeable with all of this James?”
    He looked up at her with tears shining in his green eyes. “Aye, ma’am. I never thought to feel this way. My Mam died when I was born and my Pa soon after. You see and I have never had a family. I have been with Liam for most of my twelve years. He’s taught me how to fight and what it is to be a mon, but I know little about lasses and fine things. I feel blessed that she has chosen me. She is far too fine for me though. I would not accept, but I can’t help but think that it was her choice some how like the changing. She chose.” He smiled and stared in wonder at the beautiful child he held in his arms. “She chose me.”
    Amelia smiled at that. “Perhaps she will change things for all of us.”
    With that she took the child from James and placed her back at her breast. She watched with fascination as Colin continued to discover different stages of his change. Serina seemed content to be a bairn, for now. Would she ever grow accustomed to this strange new life? Could her children be so very different? Would they find happiness as she had? She glanced at James and knew that her daughter would never worry for happiness. Then she looked to her son. She saw the intelligence glowing in his eyes. Where would Colin find his happiness? Where would he find his peace in a world filled with turmoil and hate?
    Henry gathered Amelia close and kissed her head.
    “You worry too much. They are both blessed. Happiness will find him when it is time, just as it found me, my

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