The Tiger Within

Free The Tiger Within by Amanda Anderson

Book: The Tiger Within by Amanda Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Anderson
her again.
    “It is alright, Amelia.” He said taking her in his arms as she began to cry. “Do you regret what passed between us last night?”
    “No, Henry, it was beautiful. I am only embarrassed. They will all know what we have done.”
    “Yes, they will and they have all done so before themselves. They will not judge you. I fear they thought it had taken place already.”
    “I suppose,” she said as she stirred her food.
    “Amelia, you must eat. It isn’t healthy for you or our cubs to starve.” At her astonished look he only nodded. “I told you that you would be with child by this morning. The scent is very faint, but I smell two.”
    “Two? Am I to have a litter then?”
    “Not a litter. Twins run in my family. It is not the same with all of us. You will be so beautiful, round with my children growing inside you.”
    “How does that work? Am I to have cubs or children?”
    “You will be able to change. If the babes are to be boys they will change within you. If there is a girl she will not. My only regret is that it may make it more difficult for you to change if you are carrying a female. You may give birth in any form with a male, but must be human to give birth to a female. It is all rather complicated. You will have little control over which form your body takes while you labor. You may change several times. Your body will know what to do.” He smiled warmly. “It matters not at all which you have.”
    “Perhaps one of each?” She asked hopefully.
    “That has never happened before. The twins are always of the same sex.” He explained shaking his dark head.
    “I see. Well, I suppose we should be on our way then. When will I change? I am eager, now that is imminent.”
    “Not until we are safe at home. I will help you suppress it. We will be home by tomorrow night, if all goes well.”
    They were. The entire town came to greet them. There were remarks about her odd coloring, but Henry reassured her that it was only interest. It was to be expected.
    They were allowed to rest for several hours before they were awakened. They made their way to the bailey and into a small pavilion that had been erected for them. Henry helped her undress, which was hard to do in front of the whole town. They were inside, but the walls were made of a thin linen and torches illuminated it. She knew that everyone could see her, perhaps not clearly, but clearly enough. Henry kissed her and removed his own clothes. He entered her mind and helped her reach for her animal. She fell to the floor and changed.
    Henry stood and watched as Amelia changed. Hair, as silver-white as the moon, covered her body. Her stripes were a dark gray instead of black. She was magnificent. She turned her clear blue eyes on him and sniffed.
    “It’s still me. I wanted to see you with these eyes before I saw you with the others.” She growled low in her throat and he chuckled. “Yes, yes, I will change now.” Her voice was not as clear in his head as her voice to his ears, but he simply understood her. Her way was much less intrusive and would be harder to detect. He would have to be ever alert. She growled again and he changed. She sniffed him and he felt himself stir. He had never wanted anyone in this form, but now he wanted her. He heard her clearly then. She was laughing at him.
    “I just wanted to know.” She said and backed away from him.
    He stalked her. She laughed again and turned and ran from the tent. When she stepped out, there was a gasp from the crowd that had assembled. Amelia quickly backed up, but Henry urged her on. She heard the murmurs and outraged gasps from the crowd.
    “She is white,” one woman hissed
    “She can bring only evil to us,” another added
    “Look at her eyes, they are the devil’s eyes,” another insisted
    “She is a curse on us,” one brave man cried.
    If a tiger could cry she would have. She felt Henry close at her side. He nuzzled her and rubbed against her. She felt his calmness

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