Ravaged 2: A Monster Box Set of 8 Erotic Tales
but it vanished almost instantly. I felt mesmerized, unable to comprehend or wrap my mind around what was happening.
    He pulled open my shirt and the buttons tore off their weak threads. I didn’t think anything of it as he tossed the bundled plaid and bra to the floor. I was exposed to him now, and I could tell it excited him. Not so much by how he looked, but how he felt. There was this... energy that seemed to throb between us.
    He sucked on my nipples, giving them each long draws before biting them gently and moving to the next. I moaned and ran my hand over his head, the marble smooth skin warm to the touch, and without a hint of hair. Not even a light coat of peach fuzz coated his body.
    I murmured softly as he shifted his weight down, his tongue coating my stomach. I shivered again under his touch, acutely aware of the cushions digging into my back.
    He gave me a look, one that I connected with instantly. I knew what it meant. He wanted me. I nodded slowly, and in reply he took my panties between his fingers and slipped them off my body. Naked, exposed, and vulnerable, I was his to take.
    He repositioned himself between my knees, pushing them aside with gentle but forceful hands. I quivered, feeling my cheeks flush with anticipation. His breath carried down from above me and tickled my skin, making me ache in ways I thought couldn’t happen to me anymore.
    It had been so long since I had been with a man. My mind was spinning.
    He slowly, agonizingly, lowered himself down, planting a strange kiss on my belly button. He moved down and kissed the crease of my hip, tickling me with his quick breath. I squirmed, to which he grabbed my wrist to hold me still. “Just relax.”
    Still holding my wrist, he drew down and kissed my clit. A warmth washed through my chest, and I shuddered, my breath cooling my body. He waited for me to relax, before kissing me again. I moaned a little, staring down at him with expectant and hungry eyes.
    He slipped his mouth over my pussy. He was fast, and I barely had time to settle before he started flicking his tongue against my moist lips, his breath harried and cooling against my moist skin. I squirmed instinctively and threw my legs around his shoulders, locking my ankles together and pulling him in close. He stumbled and lost his balance, pushing his weight against me for a brief moment. I moaned and seized on the couch, my cheeks and chest burning with desire. His tongue wasn’t only powerful and eager, but experienced in ways I never dreamed of. I cradled him between my legs, and his frenzy only grew more intense.
    I felt like a coiled snake, my lust bubbling forth. I moaned louder and louder into the empty house, grateful no one was around to witness us together. The alien gripped my hips and pulled me further onto the couch, his tongue dancing across my clit and slipping into my pussy occasionally. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t breathe, everything was madness in my mind.
    The alien lifted off me for a moment, letting me catch my breath. I wheezed.
    “Sasha, there is something I should warn you about,” he began.
    I shook my head and smiled. “Yes?”
    “My species... our reproduction facilities are... different than yours.”
    “How different?”
    “Let me show you.” He groaned and I heard a distinct pop, as if someone had clicked their tongue against their teeth. A slit of skin at his pubic region glowed for a moment, then a large double-headed cock slid out of his body. He seemed to relish the feeling, groaning until it was fully released. It was rock hard and glowed a tinge of blue in the dark living room. I stared at it in disbelief.
    “Two?” I said, the words barely escaping my lips. He nodded with a bit of shame.
    My shock was quickly replaced with curiosity. I reached out and looked at him before I touched it. He nodded curtly, and I stroked the higher shaft. The skin was as smooth as the rest of his body, but incredibly warm to the touch. He grimaced in pleasure

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