The Moon and the Stars

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Book: The Moon and the Stars by Constance O'Banyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Constance O'Banyon
Nelly said in astonishment. “Well”—she shrugged, and held out a clean plate to the man—“I hope you’re hungry, Mr. Renault.”
    Captain Dunning could see that Caroline was nervous around the bounty hunter, and he could understand why a woman would not want to be near so dangerous a man. He was irritated that Renault had hardly taken his eyes off her—it was as if he were deliberately trying to make her uncomfortable. “Tell me, Mr. Renault, how long do you intend to stay in San Sebastian?”
    Wade turned his head in the captain’s direction. “Not much longer, I should think.”
    Captain Dunning was not satisfied with his answer and tried to pin him down. “How long? A day, two?”
    Wade smiled at the officer, but his gaze was cutting. “I tell you what I will do; when I am ready to leave, you will be the first one to know.”
    Nelly gasped at Mr. Renault’s rudeness while Yance slid a calming hand over hers and said, “None of us can figure out what you’re doing here in the first place. I heard you have a big fancy home somewhere in Louisiana. What can our poor little community offer a man like you?”
    Wade reached for a chicken salad sandwich and took a bite, chewed and swallowed while the otherfour people waited for his answer, none more tensely than Caroline.
    Renault took another bite, aware of the strain on those around him. “This is very good, Mrs. Aldrich.”
    Nelly met his gaze, asking in a straightforward manner. “Why are you in San Sebastian?”
    Renault smiled tightly. “Why, madame, I am hunting.” His gaze slid to Caroline. “A quarry of the most elusive kind.”
    Nelly tried to digest his meaning. She was sure his being in town meant trouble for some poor unsuspecting person, but who?
    Caroline knew what he meant, and she was certain that
was the elusive quarry he spoke of: With that knowledge, calm settled around her. She was just too weary of running and hiding—she would not do it anymore.
    â€œWhat have you done?” Nelly asked, seeing a bandage on Caroline’s hand and trying to channel the conversation in a different direction.
    Caroline unwrapped the bandage and held her hand up for inspection. “It isn’t worth mentioning. I agreed to fry a chicken for Private McCaffrey. When I was frying it this morning, some of the hot grease popped on me. It isn’t bad at all. I had forgotten all about it.”
    Wade’s lids hooded his eyes. That answered the question of the chicken, but it did not change his mind about the woman. It was what she and the private did before she cooked the chicken that he wondered about.
    Captain Dunning smiled and asked, “McCaffrey is one of your students, isn’t he?”
    â€œHe was the first one who came to me and asked if I would help him learn to read. I have several now.”
    The captain chuckled. “I shouldn’t tell you this, but most of those recruits who asked you to teach them to read already know how.”
    â€œWhat!” She stared at him in disbelief. “Why would they do such a thing? It cannot be true.”
    Nelly rolled her eyes, and Yance gave a deep laugh. “You tell her, Captain. Explain it to her,” Nelly said.
    Captain Dunning took Caroline’s hand and helped her to her feet. “I think I’ll just let it go at that.” He smiled at her. “The afternoon has cooled off somewhat—would you like to take a stroll along the river?”
    She nodded, willing to do anything to get away from Wade Renault. “I would like that very much.”
    Renault tossed the remainder of his sandwich on the plate and stood, taking a step that brought him close to Caroline. Her lips were trembling, and he found himself becoming preoccupied with their full shape. “It’s always a pleasure when I run into you, Mrs. Richmond.”
    She felt herself unconsciously gravitate

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