The Moon and the Stars

Free The Moon and the Stars by Constance O'Banyon

Book: The Moon and the Stars by Constance O'Banyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Constance O'Banyon
something I’ll never do.”
    Caroline watched Yance walking up the hill toward them, a pitcher of lemonade in one huge hand. “All right, let it pass today. Let’s just enjoy the picnic. I am here with my good friends, and I want to have fun.”
    â€œSpeaking of good friends, unless I miss my guess, that’ll be Captain Dunning riding up. He can only be here because he wants to see you.”
    Caroline had little doubt that her friend had encouraged the captain to attend today. He was interested in her, and she didn’t want him to be—it complicated her already complicated life. As he walked up the hill toward her, he removed his hat and gave her a dazzling smile. She liked him. He was from Georgia, and they had a lot in common, but she also had a side to her life that she could never share with him or any man.
    â€œMrs. Richmond, I was hoping you would be here today.” His gaze rested on her for a long moment, then he became aware of the others and his need to acknowledge them as well. He turned to Nelly and nodded. “Ma’am.” He shook hands with the rancher. “It’s good to see you, Grady.”
    â€œWe have plenty of food, Captain, so why don’t you join us?” Nelly asked, eyeing Caroline carefully. “Sit right down and make yourself comfortable.”
    The captain ran his hand through his already neat brown hair, and his gray eyes sparkled. “I’d be obliged to, if Mrs. Richmond doesn’t object.”
    Caroline could not send him away, and Nelly knew it. “I would be happy for you to eat with us. As Nelly said, we have plenty of food.”
    The four of them soon settled onto easy banter, and Caroline began to relax. Captain Dunning had the polished manners of a trained officer. He was knowledgeable and funny. She realized that she was having fun, and that hadn’t happened to her in a very long time.
    They had just finished the last of Nelly’s jelly roll when a shadow fell across Caroline’s face, and she glanced up to see Mr. Renault. She tensed and drewback, resisting the urge to scramble to her feet and run down the hill. She rose to her knees and then reconsidered, sitting back down. How could she be in any danger with Yance and Captain Dunning there to protect her?
    â€œI hope I’m not interrupting anything,” the bounty hunter said in his aristocratic French tone. His gaze went to Nelly. “The whole town emptied out, and I came to see what the inducement was.”
    â€œMr. Renault,” Nelly said politely. “Please, won’t you join us?”
    â€œThank you, madame, but I would not want to intrude.” His words were for Nelly but his gaze was on Caroline. When he came toward her, she could see the gold in his eyes turn rock-hard. She was reminded in that moment of how dangerous he was, and her instinct warned her to be vigilant.
    She could not let her guard down for a moment.
    â€œNonsense,” Nelly stated, unaware of the tug of war going on between her boarder and Caroline. “You would not be intruding at all.” She knew the bounty hunter was the last person Caroline wanted to be introduced to, but good manners dictated that she should make the gesture. First she introduced Yance and Captain Dunning, then turned to Caroline. “I don’t believe you have met—”
    â€œAh, but we have,” he remarked, cutting Nelly off in mid-sentence. “We bumped into each other just the other day, didn’t we, Mrs. Richmond?”
    Caroline met his gaze and found his expression as sharp as the blade of a knife. The heaviness of his presence lay on her like a weight. He was examiningher thoroughly, and she understood how a rabbit might feel while being inspected by a hawk.
    She was surprised at how steady her voice sounded when she answered him. “Yes. I do recall the incident. I believe we met twice.”
    â€œYou never told me the two of you met,”

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