The Moon and the Stars

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Book: The Moon and the Stars by Constance O'Banyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Constance O'Banyon
toward him as if he had some strange power over her. When she realized what was happening, she jerked back. “Good day to you, Mr. Renault,” she said stiffly, placing her bonnet squarely on her head and tying the ribbons. “Nelly, I will see you later. Try to remember what we talked about a few days ago.”
    Nelly shook her head in puzzlement, and then her eyes brightened with realization. Caroline was talking about leaving San Sebastian.
    Caroline felt Wade Renault’s eyes on her as she walked away beside Captain Dunning. Under other circumstances she would have enjoyed the walk along the river, where she could watch the children playing in the water. But today all she could think about was the bounty hunter. Brace had hired the man to take her back to South Carolina, of that she was sure.
    They paused beneath a mulberry tree, and the captain looked uncertain for a moment before he asked, “Would you mind if I call you Caroline?”
    â€œOf course I wouldn’t. Since we have been acquainted for over a year, I believe it’s acceptable, Daniel.”
    He stared at her hand as if measuring its smallness compared to his own. “I have made no secret of my deep feelings for you, Caroline. I have been patient because you lost your husband, and I wanted to give you time to grieve.”
    She twisted her hand out of his grip. “Don’t, Daniel. You are a very fine man, and I respect you too much to let you believe that we can ever be anything but friends.”
    He took her chin and turned her face up to his. “Are you saying you aren’t attracted to me?”
    At that moment she wanted nothing more than to tell him everything about her past and lay all her troubles in his capable hands, but she shook her head. “Under other circumstances I could be, in another life, at another time. But please take this as the truth, Daniel: You do not want to love me.”
    He gently traced her jaw line. “It’s too late for your warning. I have already lost my heart.”
    Tears moistened her eyes. “You must not feel anything for me, Daniel. My heart is not free to love anyone.”
    â€œI understand if you still have feelings for your husband.” He touched her cheek. “I am prepared to wait a little while longer.”
    â€œYou need to find someone who can give you the love you need. I cannot be that woman.”
    â€œI still have hope.”
    â€œDaniel, I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready to love anyone again.”
    â€œYou will. Just give it time.”
    She laid her hand on his. “I enjoyed today.”
    â€œSo did I.” He raised her hand to his lips. “I will hope for many more days like this one.” He looked deep into her eyes. “Only perhaps next time we can be alone.”
    Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Mr. Renault mounting his horse to ride back to town. She could not go another day until she faced that man and demanded that he tell her the truth.
    â€œI have to go now,” she said, tightening the ribbons on her bonnet. “Please tell Nelly that there was something I needed to do.”
    The captain had seen Renault ride away, and he knew that whatever trouble Caroline had somehow involved that man. It did not seem that Caroline had any warm feelings for the bounty hunter; it even appeared that she was afraid of him. And as for Renault, he had acted overly attentive to Caroline as if he were trying to annoy her, or was there something much more sinister going on between the two of them?
    As Caroline made her way across the narrow road toward town, she noticed the gathering storm clouds on the western horizon. What happened today when she finally faced Mr. Renault would determine the rest of her life.

Chapter Seven
    Caroline climbed the steps of the boardinghouse with a purposeful gait. After today she was no longer willing to hide from life, and she wasn’t going to run anymore.
    She was

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