Heart of the Lonely Exile

Free Heart of the Lonely Exile by BJ Hoff

Book: Heart of the Lonely Exile by BJ Hoff Read Free Book Online
Authors: BJ Hoff
thing between the Irish and the British. But, then, according to Nora, Whittaker is not your ordinary Englishman.”
    Good heavens, he sounded almost… jealous! Jealous of Evan Whittaker ? For an instant, the idea caught Sara up short. Could Nora possibly be interested in the Englishman—romantically interested, that is? It was no secret around the Farmington mansion that Evan was sweet on Nora —Ginger clucked her tongue in sympathy for the “poor mon” at least once a day. But with the handsome, virile Michael Burke just waiting in the wings for her to accept his proposal, it had never occurred to any one of them that perhaps Nora’s interest might lie elsewhere.
    Sara felt a faint stirring of something akin to hope. Just as quickly, she shook it off. Of course Nora didn’t care for Evan— that way!
    And whether she did or not, Sara had no call to go getting wild ideas about Michael Burke! Even if by some remote possibility Nora should happen to be out of the picture, why would the police sergeant give an uptown spinster like herself a second glance? New York was filled with younger—and prettier—Irish girls.
    The man was an Irish policeman, for goodness’ sake! And she was Lewis Farmington’s daughter, after all. Farmingtons didn’t carry on over Irish policemen, even foolish, old-maid Farmingtons like herself!
    â€œMiss Farmington? Sara ?”
    Sara blinked. Michael Burke was staring at her with a decidedly curious expression. “Yes—I’m sorry?”
    â€œI asked how you came? Is Uriah waiting for you?”
    â€œOh, no—no, I came with the Daltons, actually.”
    â€œWell, then, would you like to walk a bit, until they’re ready to leave?”
    When Sara hesitated, he put in quickly, “Not in the Points. I was thinking we might start toward Broadway.”
    â€œI—well, I should stay and help…the pastor and Kerry may need an extra pair of hands.” Now, why had she said that? She wanted to go, wanted to be with him.
    He waited, smiling at her in the most disconcerting manner.
    â€œWell, perhaps just a short walk,” she said uncertainly, looking up to study the evening sky with feigned interest. “But I’ll need to tell the Daltons.”
    He nodded, his smile widening.
    Sara turned with a jerk and headed toward the Daltons, who were still surrounded by those few evening worshipers reluctant to leave. She was thoroughly disgusted with herself. What was there about Michael Burke that threw her into such a dither? He had the most unsettling way of making her feel like a silly, empty-headed schoolgirl!

    Watching Sara Farmington and Michael Burke make their way out of Paradise Square, Jess Dalton attempted to carry on a disjointed conversation with his wife. There were frequent interruptions from the worshipers still filing past, but by now he and Kerry had grown skilled at communicating in fragments.
    â€œWhat do you make of Sara and her policeman?” he asked in a low voice. Jess had seen the two together on other occasions, chatting after services usually, both looking somewhat stiff and uncomfortable in each other’s company.
    â€œWhat I think is that they’re trying awfully hard to ignore their feelings for each other,” Kerry replied, smiling cheerfully as she greeted the Widow Ransom.
    Surprised, Jess continued to smile as he said goodnight to WillieToothman and his pretty wife, Sally, who was very much in the family way. “So you believe there are feelings there?”
    â€œFaith, Jess, only a blind man could not see the sparks flying between those two!” Kerry paused to give poor Vida Ransom a hug. “And why are you looking so amused?” she said after the widow and her daughter went on by.
    â€œI was considering the implications of a millionaire’s daughter being paired with an Irish policeman,” Jess murmured. Turning back to the worshipers, he

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