Spanking Required

Free Spanking Required by Bree Jandora

Book: Spanking Required by Bree Jandora Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bree Jandora
    Spanking Required: Brooke’s Online Adventures
Book One
    by Bree Jandora
    Copyright 2011 Bree Jandora
All rights reserved.
    Published by Loco Press
    http://locopressbooks. com
    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.
    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
    All characters represented in this book are eighteen years o f age or older.
    WARNING:  Book contains themes like forced sex and consensual non-consent.  YOU WERE WARNED!
      Other books by Bree Jandora:
    Spanked by Daddy
    Daddy Spanks the Girls
    For Daddy’s Love
    Dawn and Jordan
    Punished Daughters: The Collection
    “Shit!” My hand hit the alarm clock on my nightstand. Another Saturday morning when I woke up to the nauseating sound of an alarm because I forgot to turn it off the night before. And there was no going back to sleep. I briefly thought about ripping that stupid clock out of its socket and throwing it across the room.
    Hopeful that I’d somehow drift back into my dream, I closed my eyes and let my head sink back into my pillow.
    Mmm.. there was a sudden itch I had to scratch…
    I flung the covers off to my left and stood up. It only took me a few seconds to completely undress. I let my nightgown and panties fly off to the floor somewhere. Then I got back in bed and spread my legs apart as wide as possible. In no more than a split second my fingers reached down to my pussy to get nice and wet so they could slide all around my clit.
    Oh… it was so good. I smiled, taking my time. My long-time boyfriend and I broke up several months earlier and I lived alone. Since then, on Saturdays—if I had no other plans—I made sure to take a good bit of time to give myself the quality attention I deserved. And once I gave in to the pleasure of this routine, it felt like I had reunited with an old friend after many years. I gave myself a good orgasm at least once a day anyway, but there were nights before bed when it was rushed. Today, though, I was in no hurry.
    I bit my lip, thinking back to my dream. I was such a bad girl, shoplifting at the mall. A man saw me and chased me down. He took my arm and dragged me to the food court to bend me over his knee and give me a sound spanking right there in front of everyone. Like any dream, there were a lot of weird details that made absolutely no sense but I didn’t question them. I simply recalled the way he spoke to me:
    “ Time you learn a lesson, little girl. You’re gonna get a butt warmin’ like you ain’t never had before.” It sounded so old-fashioned but that kind of talk was exactly what did it for me.
    I rubbed my clit faster and faster as I thought about it. He ripped my pants off and spanked me quite hard with his hand in the middle of the mall food court. I don’t even remember if there were people around. I just know that faceless-dream-spanker-man smacked away until I was kicking and screaming. I think he even said something about using a paddle if only one were available.
    As soon as the threat of a paddle entered my thoughts, I felt the glorious pressure build. “Ohhh!” My hips bucked against my hand and I was suddenly in the throes of a wonderful orgasm.
    I didn’t give a fuck if

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