Spanking Required

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Book: Spanking Required by Bree Jandora Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bree Jandora
my neighbors upstairs could hear. I let go. The sounds of my moaning and wailing filled the room as I rubbed my clit, letting my climax consume me.
    When I finished I stared up at the ceiling, trying to catch my breath. I usually liked to take more time with myself but that dream brought forth fantasies that cut straight to my deepest desires. Fantasies about paddles and belts always sent me right over the edge but never with such little build up. This morning, it felt like someone pushed a magic button that sent me immediately into ecstatic overdrive.
    A half hour later I was in front of my computer in my snuggly white robe, slurping coffee out of a mug the size of a soup bowl. I was still in my hazy dream fog, and, as amazing as my dream and subsequent clit-rubbing session were, my Saturday afternoon would include a few errands that required me to wake up completely.
    I checked my email and surfed the Internet for a while. That dream just wouldn’t leave me alone. No matter what I did—reading the weather report, bookmarking coupons, clicking around new Facebook pictures of people I barely knew—all I could think about was getting spanked in the mall.
    I couldn’t deny it anymore. It was a craving gone out-of-control. I had to find someone to give me a spanking, maybe even hard enough to make me cry. And was what so bad about that? So what? I liked to be bent over someone’s knee once in a while as someone wailed on my backside until I couldn’t sit down. I was an independent adult woman who had certain needs. It didn’t make me a freak, no matter what Joshua said.
    Oh, Joshua. I hadn’t thought much about him lately. Six months had passed since our break-up. We lived together for two years, beginning before we even graduated from college. I thought he was ‘the one.’ He had a beautiful, sculpted body and dark brown eyes that could melt my heart into a puddle.
    But there was one thing he couldn’t give me: a spanking. And that was why we broke up. I tried so many times to talk him into it but he said he felt like he was abusing me. I even got him to go for it a few times when he was drunk but he always regretted it later. Either that, or he didn’t remember it after he sobered up. One day I went as far as to ask if he would mind if someone else spanked me. That was his last straw.
    If he had any weird sexual kinks, he sure never told me about them. It was all just plain vanilla sex with him. Nothing special. It was good in the technical sense. He loved to lick my pussy more than anything else in the world and he was damn good at it. And I mean, damn good . That was enough to keep the relationship going for a surprisingly long time. Well… that, and, “He’s such a nice guy, Brooke. You’re so lucky to have him!” from every friend and family member he met. But eventually, I needed more. I could no longer deny myself this craving and it had only gotten stronger since the break-up.
    I knew what I had to do.
    A special folder in my browser bookmarks was called, ‘Listings.’ I picked a generic word as to not draw attention, in case anyone else happened to look at my computer. The only reason I hadn’t already done this was that I was afraid of what my friends might think if they knew. It wasn’t because I was afraid to meet a stranger online. That part, in fact, turned me on even more. But I was finally past the point of caring what anyone thought, even if they did find out. I was frustrated and horny, and nobody knew what I needed better than me.
    The thought of placing this ad had me smiling and squirming in my seat before I even created a user profile. I decided to create one ad that I would copy and paste at several websites. I had already browsed the ads in the past without responding to any of them. There were just too many, and it was overwhelming to try to find exactly what I wanted. I might peruse the ads again some other time. For now, I would place an ad of my own.
    Title: “Spanking

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