Sky Hunter
shrugged when another Rhuwac bellow seemed to shake the walls.
“Except for them, anyway.”
    “ Your optimism is spooky, you know
that?” Nova dipped a cloth into a basin of almost clean water to
cool Reko’s face.
    He watched her use the rag to wipe the back
of her own neck. “What else is there?” he said quietly and she
wished she hadn’t spoken. “How else can you live like this? How can
    “ Nobody is supposed to.” She
hesitated before placing her hand on his arm. “You’re right, we’ll
get out. These things run their course.”
    He gazed at her without speaking and somehow
that made her blush. Glad for the inadequate light, she dropped her
eyes and pulled her hand back to fuss with Reko’s bandages. “So
what’s a Human civilian doing all the way out here in Shon Gat? You
seem a little out of place here.”
    “ I am,” Djari agreed. “I was born on
the base at Siolet. My father was killed when I was still very
young. My mother eventually took up with a Bellac farmer and moved
out to the Tangmak Rift. Anai root and some
    “ You’re a long way from
    “ Know why I’m here?” He looked as if
about to reveal a great secret. “Trying to get to the skyranch.
I’ve asked for work up there. I already talked to some
administrators. I know what Bellacs like and I know how to grow it.
I’ve been studying up on moisture recyclers, hydroponics, soilless
farming. I had a little lab and got interested in organic
chemistry. I’m practically hired already!”
    “ You’ll like it up there, I’m sure,”
she said, touched by his excitement. “I’ve lived on a skyranch or
two. They try to make them interesting enough for the workers and
engineers. It’s like a little town up there. And with the jumpsite
so close you’ll meet some interesting people.”
    The sound of harsh voices startled both of
them. She peered into the gloom to see several Centauri and a few
Bellac, all seemingly in good shape and not part of the medical
team, walk among the injured. One of them was barking orders at the
    “ What could they want now?”
    “ That tall fellow is Phann Arter, one
of their leaders. He came in from Camomas with his group a few days
ago. Looks like they’re removing the rebels that can walk on their
own. Maybe they’re leaving. Or maybe they’ve run out of
    “ Air Command isn’t likely to let them
leave. By now the town will be surrounded.” She scowled. “None of
these here are in any shape to fight.”
    “ Maybe not by your standards. But his
people are fanatics.”
    She stood up. “I can be pretty fanatical,
    “ Where are you going?” he called after
her when she strode into the main section of the hall and toward
the bellowing Centauri. She did not reply; thinking about this
would only change her mind.
    “ Are you in charge here?” she said to
the heavily armed rogue. He was of a heftier build than was common
among his towering but generally slender people, adding a
frightening dimension to his surly demeanor. It took a moment for
him to realize that she was addressing him.
    “ What?” he said, somehow making that
word sound like a growl.
    “ I want to speak to someone who is able
to do a bit more around here than point his gun at things,” she
said. Djari had come around to the side and watched with an
expression of sheer terror when the leader turned to face
    “ What do you have to speak about,
Human?” the rebel said.
    A Caspian strolled over to observe her with
curiosity. He carried a medical scanner, apparently looking for
those well enough to be removed from the clinic.
    “ What did Sius have to say?” the
Centauri giant asked him.
    “ News,” the Caspian said, using his
native language. “The place is totally deserted. Some flyovers but
we’re not seeing any patrols on the ground. Looks like everyone is
here now. Stoyan’s going to hit it tonight.”
    Nova managed to keep her reaction to

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